
a few questions

  • Michael

    Michael - 2007-09-25

    Hi Chris,

    How's going?
    I have a few more questions for you ;-)
    1. Is there a minimum amount of equipment needs to be entered before "Room Map" starts show anything?
    I entered two servers and specified Room, as suggested in Edit entry screen, in form "DC1/1#1" and "DC1/1#2".
    But I don't see rack diagram when I click "Room Map" link. Also on Index page in Room column I see those entries,
    but they're not clickable (not links). Is it supposed to be so? Is format I used correct?
    2. It's not a big of deal, but if in Add Entry (or Edit Entry) form I choose Vendor from drop-down menu, for example IBM,
    in Index page it shows as "ibm", lower-case instead of upper-case. (BTW, Model for example works as expected, capital
    letters stay there)
    3. Also about Edit Entry form: if I push button "Save & Load next" it reloads and says at the top "Edit server1-2",
    but all entries below are actually from server1-1. Am I not understanding correctly meaning of "Load next"?
    4. Again about Add/Edit Entry form ;-): you know, when you type something in provided space and something similar,
    at least something starting with the same letters, was entered before in that field, browser gives you choice to
    repeat that entry, you can choose it and push Enter and then modify it if you need, you know what I'm talking about, right?
    In Add/Edit Entry form that behavior doesn't work, pushing Enter immediately leads out of form and actual entry is
    truncated to whatever first letters were entered. Is it something on my side needs adjustment?
    5. I was experimenting and tried to enter different list of Rooms in System Settings, e.g. "DC1, DC2", "DC1/1#1, DC2", etc.
    and ended up with a simple list "DC1, DC2", but when I tried Extended Filter, all those different names for Rooms were
    there, not just DC1 and DC2. Is it by design? Shouldn't they be deleted from database, if they are not in list in System Settings?

    Sorry, unfortunately I can't test your program on regular basis. ;-)

    • ChrisM

      ChrisM - 2007-09-27

      Hello Michael,

      first of all: Thanks again for beta testing and giving me feedback! You're really helping me to chase the bugs out of phpEquiMon and take a look at things that seem "clear" for me as the person that wrote the code.

      1. No, there is not. But you must enter the room names you want to have in the settings (you already found this setting, as I see when reading question 5) and follow strictly the given design the is shown in the edit form. This will be improved in the next version (room field will be a combobox + a free text field for the rack number and height unit). At the moment, the map is only really useful for datacenters with the classical row/column/height unit rack layout.

      2. That is a bug and already fixed in my local version. I did not see it because I mostly used vendor logos everytime when not creating screenshots (for copyright reasons). Just create a folder vendorlogos under htdocs/ and copy a image called ibm.png to this folder (should not be too large, otherwise the default index will need horizontal scroll bars). Then this image will be shown instead of the text.

      3. Seems like a bug, I'll check this. If its the same bug that I chased with not being able to delete certain fields, it's already fixed.

      4. Yes, this is because I use a JavaScript to capture presses of the enter key and auto-submit the form. I have already seen this problem and think I will either remove this "feature" for the next release or make it configurable. Of course, if you know a workaround (how to check whether a autocompletion suggestion selection is open with JavaScript) or such, I'm interested. ;-)

      5. I haven't reproduced this yet, but I'll take a look.

      I'll publish the mentioned fixes and many more in some days in an 0.1.1 release.

      Best regards,


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