
phpClanLog / News: Recent posts

Forum goes beta

After some testing and a week of productive use on websites we consider pcl_forum useful and stable enough to let it loose on the public, so here it is.

Have fun!

Posted by Jochen Buennagel 2001-10-30

First Pre-Releases

phpClanlog today pre-released two packages for previewing and beta-testing:
- pcl_Forum is a simple and very basic forum/bb addon. It doesn't offer all the features of a full-blown system like phpBB, but does nicely when easy installation and basic forum-features are required.
- pcl_Dummy is an addon that doesn't do anything. It is a sample-addon to show the basic structure of phpWeblog-Addons for developers who want to build their own addons.

Posted by Jochen Buennagel 2001-10-17

Forum almost ready

The Forum-Addon turned out to be the quickest to implement. It will soon undergo preliminary alpha-testing on my website and then be released into beta for the daring...

Posted by Jochen Buennagel 2001-10-12