
PHPCheckstyle / News: Recent posts

Version 0.14.3

  • New check : thisInStatic.
  • Issue 92: Incorrect Error Reporting for Empty Files
Posted by Tchule 2015-08-28

Version 0.14.2

  • Added a summary output on the command line (thanks to jarrettchisholm).
  • New check : Detect forbidden keywords (thanks to jarrettchisholm).
  • New check : Detect forbidden regular expressions like IP address, etc. (thanks to jarrettchisholm).
  • New check : Detect variable variable.
Posted by Tchule 2014-11-14

Version 0.14.1

  • Improved performances A LOT ! (thanks James Brooks)
  • Better checking of ignored files/directories
  • Added T_FINALLY token to the parser
  • Better messages for logical operators && and ||
  • Outsourced the error messages
  • Added French translation
  • New check : NPath complexity
  • New check : Prefered quotes style
Posted by Tchule 2014-09-03

Version 0.14.0

  • PSR-0 Compliance (thanks to James Brooks).
  • new Array Reporter (thanks to James Brooks).
  • Allow an array of configuration values to be passed through, rather than XML (thanks to James Brooks).
  • Better detection of package names for NCSS report (filename by default, namespace if present).
  • new Check : "mandatoryHeader" to verify the presence of a header for each file.
  • new Check : "localScopeVariableLength" to verify the lenght of the variable names.... read more
Posted by Tchule 2014-08-25

Uploaded Version 0.13.2

Version 0.13.2

  • Change in the default configurations : White spaces are required before and after the concatenation operator ".".
    NOTE : This may generate lots of new warnings.
  • Issue 77: Exclude files/directories option from the web launcher.
Posted by Tchule 2014-06-25

Uploaded Version 0.13.1

Version 0.13.1

  • Issue 71: False positive : close()
  • Issue 72: Allow the config file to be in any directory
  • Issue 73: False positive : delete()
  • Issue 74: Allow multiple src directories/files in the command line.

Version 0.13.0

  • Issue 70: Simplification of the "strictCompare" rule. When active this rule will be checked everywhere.
    This may generate lots of warnings. ... read more
Posted by Tchule 2014-03-31 Labels: New version

Uploaded version 0.12.2

In prevision of google closing the google/code file-hosting feature the files will now be hosted in sourceforge.

Posted by Tchule 2013-08-21

First Version Released

The first version of Spike PHPCheckstyle is released. It is an alpha release. If you find any issues or bugs, please report it in the Spike PHPCheckstyle forums.


Posted by Hari Kodungallur 2005-07-29