
#276 Modification emails get sent to self


If a user is in the cclist for a bug, and edits that
bug, they will recieve the modification notice email
for their own edit.


  • Ulf Erikson

    Ulf Erikson - 2005-09-21
    • priority: 5 --> 7
  • Dmitry Morozhnikov

    Logged In: YES

    Why do you think it is bad? From my point of view it is very
    good. And mode: i think that it is very good idea to let
    phpbb send much more emails (configurable of cource).

  • Ulf Erikson

    Ulf Erikson - 2005-09-27

    Logged In: YES

    Sending a message on a user's own edit is wrong because
    phpBugTracker tries not to. A comment in the code says:
    "Don't email the person who just made the changes (later,
    make this behavior toggable by the user)".
    Apparently the current code has a bug since mails are sent.

    I'd like to hear more about what sort of mails you would like to
    see when you say that: "it is very good idea to let phpbt send
    much more emails"

  • Dmitry Morozhnikov

    Logged In: YES

    Main thing i`m wishing is a some sort of 'mail all
    developers about new bug' or automatic CC list for all bugs
    or 'send messages about all activity to some address
    (mailing list) or something like that.. For installations
    like it would be a pain, but it should
    be very good for small communities. Without that, some bugs
    stay unresolved too long.

  • pyreforge

    pyreforge - 2005-09-29

    Logged In: YES

    My issue was only that it was inconsistant. A user filing a
    bug is not cc'ed on the creation email because they already
    know what the contents are. (they wrote it, after all) The
    same would be true for bug edits.

    I wouldn't have a problem with that behaviour being
    toggable, but I would think the creation and edit emails
    should be treated the same regardless of whether the user is
    the resolver, reporter, or just on the cc list.


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