
Tree [r35] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 application 2010-08-24 gkassel [r34] Bootstrapped a Zend project, and migrated file ...
 data 2010-01-31 gkassel [r1] Initial import.
 doc 2010-08-24 gkassel [r35] Updated project roadmap in doc/ROADMAP with the...
 library 2010-08-24 gkassel [r34] Bootstrapped a Zend project, and migrated file ...
 public 2010-08-24 gkassel [r34] Bootstrapped a Zend project, and migrated file ...
 tests 2010-08-24 gkassel [r34] Bootstrapped a Zend project, and migrated file ...
 .zfproject.xml 2010-08-24 gkassel [r34] Bootstrapped a Zend project, and migrated file ...
 INSTALL 2010-08-24 gkassel [r34] Bootstrapped a Zend project, and migrated file ...
 LICENSE 2010-02-04 gkassel [r13] Changed project license to LGPL-2.1.
 README 2010-08-24 gkassel [r34] Bootstrapped a Zend project, and migrated file ...

Read Me

Project name: phpbiff
Project description: an email monitor for PHP.
Project license: LGPL-2.1
Project URL:
Project contact email address: gkassel_at_users_dot_sourceforge_dot_net

Current version: 0.1.1

Project documentation is in doc/
Automated regression tests (as well as manual tests) are in tests/
Generated user data is encrypted and stored in data/

Model code is in application/models/
Controller code is in application/controllers/
Some stand-alone code and utilities (non-OO) are to be found in application/modules/ 
View code is in application/views/