
PhpBibliography / News: Recent posts

Version 1.1.1

* internalization of phpbibliography (Italian and French)
* fixed a problem with default css
* fixed some paper presentation problems

Posted by Lorenzo Bettini 2011-05-24


Version 0.7

* series field enlarged
* DBLP import feature fixed to handle the new DBLP's output

Posted by Lorenzo Bettini 2009-08-30

PhpBibliography 0.6

Version 0.6

* grouping by year is now available

* utility to find possible duplicate papers

* when in administrator mode (logged user) always
show edit/remove link for papers

* by default papers are listed with descending year

* when showing grouped papers the index can be avoided

* each paper now has a timestamp with last modification time
(used when ordering papers)

* when importing from DBLP, use the crossref bibitem to
add further information to the paper... read more

Posted by Lorenzo Bettini 2008-12-21

PhpBibliography 0.5

Version 0.5

* use css extensively
* deletion of uploaded files is manual
* better encoding and decoding of html entities
* generate authors in bibtex using the pattern surname, name
* remember the letter for filtering papers to edit
* notes fields is mediumtext now
* can generate rss feeds (thanks to Ezio Bartocci)
* paper import from DBLP (thanks to Ezio Bartocci)

Posted by Lorenzo Bettini 2008-08-24

PhpBibliography 0.4

Version 0.4 Requires Php >= 4.3.0

* can filter the papers to edit/delete according to the first
letter of the title.
* can retrieve categories from bib items
* can specify classifications (generalizations of categories)
* improved bib authors management (accents such as \' and \" are translated)
* retrieve url from bib item
* the order of authors in bib item is respected (bug fixed)
* can modify a paper through a bibtex (the bibtex key is now stored in the
* can upload a bib file (i.e., mass insertion/modification)
* fixed authentication problem with php 5
* can merge authors (two authors that represent the same author but one has
a mispelled name)
* can pass (in the url) some parameters for the formatting of papers
* function for automatically generating missing bibtex keys... read more

Posted by Lorenzo Bettini 2006-12-28

PhpBibliography 0.3

Here are the changes in this release:

* can print all the bibtexs
* help available when editing a paper
* can change the order of the authors of a paper
* can insert authors and categories on the fly
* check for empty or already existing authors and categories
during insertion/modification
* use of CSS
* generate url in bibtexs
* paper search mechanism
* show all the details of a paper in a separate page

Posted by Lorenzo Bettini 2006-10-04

PhpBibliography 0.2

The main change is that it can store bibtexs, and permits inserting a paper through a bibtex

Posted by Lorenzo Bettini 2006-08-04