
Tree [18a1db] master rel_1.1.1 /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .settings 2009-12-25 Lorenzo Bettini Lorenzo Bettini [e9ab73] include path
 app 2011-05-20 Lorenzo Bettini Lorenzo Bettini [18a1db] clears also the persistent cache
 cake 2010-04-28 Lorenzo Bettini Lorenzo Bettini [8f9830] modified .gitignore to include tmp main directory
 vendors 2009-12-20 Lorenzo Bettini Lorenzo Bettini [c45e3f] removed test with syntax error
 .buildpath 2009-12-20 Lorenzo Bettini Lorenzo Bettini [e55d9b] eclipse project files
 .gitignore 2011-05-19 Lorenzo Bettini Lorenzo Bettini [df85f8] Merge branch 'localization' into bibtex
 .htaccess 2009-12-20 Lorenzo Bettini Lorenzo Bettini [f26cc1] initial import
 .project 2009-12-20 Lorenzo Bettini Lorenzo Bettini [e55d9b] eclipse project files
 INSTALL 2010-05-05 Lorenzo Bettini Lorenzo Bettini [78fd35] added INSTALL file
 NEWS 2011-05-20 Lorenzo Bettini Lorenzo Bettini [41d4c4] updated NEWS file
 NOTES 2011-05-12 Lorenzo Bettini Lorenzo Bettini [a30037] Merge branch 'master' into localization
 README 2010-05-05 Lorenzo Bettini Lorenzo Bettini [61915b] added README files
 README-Git 2010-05-05 Lorenzo Bettini Lorenzo Bettini [61915b] added README files
 THANKS 2011-05-20 Lorenzo Bettini Lorenzo Bettini [9237c1] updated THANKS file
 TODO 2011-05-19 Lorenzo Bettini Lorenzo Bettini [df85f8] Merge branch 'localization' into bibtex
 index.php 2009-12-20 Lorenzo Bettini Lorenzo Bettini [f26cc1] initial import 2011-05-20 Lorenzo Bettini Lorenzo Bettini [e3ee59] changed version number to 1.1.1
 update_to_1.sql 2010-08-03 Lorenzo Bettini Lorenzo Bettini [0dbd51] Merge branch 'master' into bibtex

Read Me

  PhpBibliography - web based bibliography system

    * SF - Page <>
    * Downloads <>
    * Install <#Installation>
    * Features <#Features>
    * Git <>

by Lorenzo Bettini <>

PhpBibliography allows you to publish your bibliography online (and to
edit it via web).
It is implemented in Php 5 and uses MySql 5 (however, it might work also
with Php 4, and also with MySql 4, but I'm not testing this).

This is a complete rewriting using CakePhp <>,
the old version site is available here

It can also generate RSS feeds and import papers from DBLP
<>, thanks to
Ezio Bartocci <>.

This is free software, open source, released under GPL <COPYING>.


You can download PhpBibliography from here:

You need a web server with php support and a MySql server. In
particular, phpbibliography was developed under Linux, using Apache 2
web server (I guess it should work also on other systems).

You can also find details about new features on my blog, in this area:


These instructions assume you already have a working web
server/php/MySql system.

If you have an already installed version of PhpBibliography (earlier
than version 1.x) you will need to follow the instructions you find at
this link

As an example, we will assume to install phpbibliography in the
directory phpbibliography and to access it through localhost.

   1. Create a database called phpbibliography (this is the default but
      you can choose the name you want; for instance some providers
      already set up some databases for you, with predefined names) and
      assign user and password to the created database (or use the ones
      set by your provider).
   2. Unzip the contents of the archive in a directory of your web server.
   3. PhpBibliography assumes that your apache web server has the
      mod_rewrite module installed and working; PhpBibliography relies
      on CakePhp <>, thus you can find further
      installation advanced instructions (especially concerning
      mod_rewrite) in the official CakePhp documentation
      <>, in particular, see
      the section about mod_rewrite
   4. Make sure that the directories app/config, app/webroot/files and
      app/tmp are writable by the web server user (you can also make
      them writable by anyone, e.g., with chmod 777). After the
      installation successfully finished, you can also make app/config
      directory not writable anymore.
   5. Now visit the subdirectory installs with a browser of the site
      where you installed phpbibliography (e.g., in our example
      http://localhost/phpbibliography/installs); if everything was set
      up correctly you should see something like the following screenshot

      installation screenshot

   6. Now provide the information concerning your database you created
      and press submit (the table prefix is useful if your provider
      gives only one database that you need to share with other web
   7. Check that everything works; you can now go back to the database
      configuration, or proceed with the installation.
   8. The next step will create the database tables and you can simply
      press the Create button.
   9. Then you can finalize the installation (press Finalize button).
  10. You should get the message that PhpBibliography is now correctly
      installed (note that visiting the installs path again will not be
      allowed) and that you can now login.
  11. Phpbibliography comes with a predefined admin user, password
      admin. Use it to login the first time and then go in the users
      section and change the password.

While logged as a user you can add/edit/remove papers and other
information concerning the papers.

The public phpbibliography interface is accessible now through the path
where you installed phpbibliography (in our example,

If you need to login again you can do that using the login path (in our
example, http://localhost/phpbibliography/login).

    Adding and modifying users and papers

Online help is available when editing/adding papers; please refer to
that help for further details.

You can create further users if you want; if you set the "admin" check
box when creating/editing a user, that user will have administration
privileges (e.g., he'll be able to change other users besides himself).

Next you can start adding your authors, attributes for the papers, and
then the papers themselves. This can be done by accessing the admin menu.

When inserting a paper you can also upload two files for your paper
(they will be uploaded in the files subdirectory, see above); you can
also insert a direct link (URL) to the paper if the paper is already
available on-line somewhere else.


These are the main features provided by PhpBibliography:

    * Automatic generation of bibtex for papers (unless a manual bib
      item is specified when editing the paper).
    * For each paper two files can be uploaded and two links can be
    * Papers can be searched with criteria about their fields.
    * Besides standard fields, new attributes can be specified for
      papers; attributes can be selectable, i.e., the logged user can
      choose among a(n extensible) set of values and multiple, i.e., a
      paper can be given several values for that attribute; an example
      of selectable/single attribute is "Publisher", an example of
      selectable/multiple attribute is "Keyword", and an example of
      non-selectable attribute is "DOI".
    * Papers can be specified as private (visible only to logged users).
    * Reports can be generated by filtering by author, by value and by
      grouping up to two levels (e.g., show only papers of a given
      authors, grouped by year and by paper type).
    * RSS feeds are available for search results, reports and paper lists.
    * Lists of papers, and results of reports and searches can be
      included in other webpages (by using the bare layout).
    * Papers can be imported from DBLP
    * Searches for possible duplicate papers.
    * Papers can be inserted through bibtex items and bibtex files.

    Other Links

    * Install PhpBibliography in Ubuntu

    News :

*May 2010*: release 1.0.0:

Complete rewriting using CakePhp framework.

    Links :

    * Wiki
    * Forums <>
    * Blog <>
    * Bugs <>

    Screenshots :

Installation Screenshot
Installation screenshot

Get PhpBibliography at Fast, secure and Free Open
Source software downloads <>

Site by Lorenzo Bettini <>

Design by Minimalistic Design <>