
phpBB Knowledge Base / News: Recent posts

Alpha 2 screenshots available for viewing

Hello all,

We have released some screenshots showing some of the features of the next Alpha release ;). These are available at the gallery ( ).

Remember, these screenshots are purely for your excitement ;), things may change largely :P.



Posted by Mark Barnes 2007-03-26

Alpha 1 Released


We are delighted to announce the release of the phpBB Knowledge Base Alpha 1 package. We hope that this marks a new stage in the development of the project. We estimate that there will be a number of Alpha releases, however we aren't prepared to comment on this so early into the project.

Current Features in Alpha 1

* Multiple Categories
* Sub-categories (1 level deep)
* Article Submission
* Article Editing
* Article Deletion ... read more

Posted by Mark Barnes 2007-03-07

Pre-Alpha 1 Code Package now available for testing!

Hello all,

With the preperations and bugfixes for Alpha 1 well under way, we feel this is the right time to release the bugtracker to the community. This is your chance to help us make phpBB KB as stable as it can be, by reporting any and all bugs you find to us. I've packaged up a svn version as of 14/02/2007 00:30 GMT for download, however it would be great if you could get a checkout from SourceForge SVN as then you are running the latest code. We will also be providing a tutorial on doing this shortly.... read more

Posted by Mark Barnes 2007-02-14

Forums Offline

The forums at are currently offline while we test a new setup at a brand new server. Please be patient with us as we tweak this server to our requirements :)


Posted by Mark Barnes 2006-08-09

Subversion for Development

We have decided to use Subversion for our development commits. If you wish to follow our progress towards a ALPHA or a BETA of the phpBB Knowledge Base you can subscribe to the mailing list (link at the top of this page) or see our commits via ViewVC in the Subversion area.

Enjoy the project :)

Mark - Project Manager

Posted by Mark Barnes 2006-07-25