


Welcome to the Project Home of PHPanopticon. On the following pages you will find some key information regarding this piece of software.

Whats all the fuss about?

PHPanopticon is yet another PHP gallery script. But.. it rocks. It's not about administration, control or other time consuming tasks. It's about the pureness of images. This software works best for small groups of users knowing and trusting each other. Also it is built to run from the scratch, no further dependencies or requirements needed. Just install and use it.

Don't believe us? Try our Demo

Where to get started?

Well this is easy. Just download the latest files, put it into a folder on your host and run the index files. You will be prompted with the installing instructions. You can find more information on our wiki page [Install]

I've found a bug!

We knew it! Please try to contact us on the discussion board.

I want to know more about you!

Do you? Okay, follow us on Twitter.


Wiki: Install