
We want your banners

As you probably know, the release of phpAdsNew 2 is coming closer and closer. We are working very hard on finishing the development and at the same time we've started working on our own website. We currently don't have a website of our own, so we really don't have anything to show potential users what phpAdsNew can do for them.

One part of the new website will feature a demonstration of the abilities of phpAdsNew and we need your help to create it. We are looking for banners to show on our website. That's right, in this part of the website we want to show banners of websites which are using phpAdsNew. So if you're website is using phpAdsNew and you want your banner to be shown on the phpAdsNew website you can send them to us ( We're not only looking for regular 468x60 banners, but also larger and smaller ones. Depending on how many banners we recieve, we will pick the best ones.

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2002-08-10

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