
PHP-Xite / News: Recent posts

PHP-Xite CVS Released

PHP-Xite stable CVS release is now available to anybody wishing to utilise it, there is a .extras folder in there, should anybody wish to take a look at our DB structure in DBDesigner, although it is rather out of date at this point, we may well remove the folder altogether as it is pretty useless as it stands, and we recommend you CHMOD (or whatever is appropriate) the folder if you plan to put the server on the web; it is not a security threat but not needed.

Posted by Oliver 2004-02-13

Control Panels To Finish

Now that I have the main engine coded, (I really should provide a live demo...) I only have the control panels to code with the already made functions (so many functions, just not implemented yet) I'll keep you updated

Posted by Oliver 2004-01-29

PHP-Xite Reaching Stable Release

After much coding, and a total redesign of the security system, PHP-Xite is now reaching the production stage, featuring possibly the best method of user permission setting available PHP-Wise, we are very pleased to announce that soon you will be able to download your very own copy of PHP-Xite, either from our homepage as a .tar.xx or from our CVS repository which you will undoubtedly find will be continually updated with our changed and newer files all the time.

Posted by Oliver 2004-01-19