
The PHP MMORPG Project / News: Recent posts


Just updated with the new release! This package contains tons of new features for both the editor and for the actual game, including player vs. player battles!

Posted by Matt Smith 2005-03-23

New release

A new release has been posted with numerous bug fixes and an early version of the editor.

Posted by Matt Smith 2005-02-06

Progress on the editor

The editor which I've been planning for some time has actually gone into development which means it should be ready for primetime in about a week or so. Read the full post at this url:

Posted by Matt Smith 2005-01-19

Player Vs. Player Battles

Work on PVP battles is about 30% done... Should be done in another week or so. After this I'm going to get a basic editor up, so people can fool around making new maps and things. The final editor will include tools for creating quests, monsters, etc.

Posted by Matt Smith 2004-09-13


Released with some minor bug fixes and a couple new features.

Posted by Matt Smith 2004-09-06

PRP .60-1 released!

The first release on sourceforge has been added. Please view the readme included with the download for more info. The next feature to be worked on will be the battle system.

Posted by Matt Smith 2004-08-15