
FLP / News: Recent posts

Project moved to Google Code

I have moved all the project files to I won't close the project page on sourceforge, but i won't update it either. please visit for the latest versions of my classes.

Posted by flaimo 2008-04-07

RSSBuilder classes under GPL from now on

From now on you are free to use the RSSBuilder classes under the GPL licence. The header-comments in the classes won't be updated right now. I will do that with the next release (if there is a next release)

Posted by flaimo 2007-05-10

i18n V2.2 released

This is a maintenance release, with only minor updates:

# Updated code to work with PHP 5.1.0
# Added support for SQLite 3 databases using the PDO Object (enabled per default in PHP 5.1.0)
# The currency method of the I18Nnumber class now takes an additional argument $position which can be „before“ or „after“ (string) to position the currency symbol before or after the numeric value. It only works if $notation is „symbol“. You can set the default position in the l10n.ini file, but you can override it with the argument in the function.
# I18Nlocale class now has a __toString() function which outputs the locale.
# I18Ntranslator class now implements the Iterator Interface, so if you use the object with foreach, it iterates though the translationtable (foreach ($translator as $translation_string => $translation)).

Posted by flaimo 2005-11-26

AtomBuilder Final now available

AtomBuilder Final is now available. Corrected some major bugs and tested it with PHP 5.1 final.

Posted by flaimo 2005-11-26

Atom Builder now available

Atom Builder is now available. It's based on the Atom 1.0 draft. The methods used are similar to the ones in the RSS Builder classes. Just take a look into the sample script that's included in the zip file to see how it works. The scripts have been testet with PHP 5.1RC

Posted by flaimo 2005-10-29

ical classes now under gpl licence

since i don't have the time to take care of the ical classes anymore, those classes are under the gpl licence from now on. please note that the licence in the comments of the classes still say "free for non commercial use". i don't have the time to change that right now, so ignore those lines

Posted by flaimo 2005-08-02

i18n version 2.1b2 released

* Changed some code so the classes dont throw an error with PHP5 RC2.
* PHPdoc comments are back in.
* UTF-8 is used all the time now. This could cause some problems with different translation modes:
o SQLite needs to be compiled with UTF-8 support to work correctly
o MySQL requires at least version 4.1.1a and some editing of your My.ini file.
* Replaced most string functions with the equal mb functions, so you need to enable mbstring in your php.ini file.
* Support for MSSQL has been dropped. Maybe will come back at a later point.
* Support for XML files has been added (using simpleXML). Classes arent finished though (I18NtranslatorXMLExtended not implemented).

Posted by flaimo 2004-06-09

New Versions for PHP5 RC1 released

i18n, Thumbnail, RSS Builder and ReloadPreventer have been updated (and partly completely rewritten) to work with PHP5 RC1.

Posted by flaimo 2004-04-10

Thumbnail 1.001 released

Better error handling if picture file wasn't found.
It is possible to add multible logos/watermarks now.
Added a new class "ContactSheet", to create an picture index of a folder or manually added pics.

Posted by flaimo 2003-09-24

Thumbnail 1.000 released

initial release. classes for generating a thumbnail from a picture, add a watermark/logo to it and cache it.

Posted by flaimo 2003-09-20

i18n 2.002 released

Corrected some minor bugs

Completely changed the error handling: Non-fatal errors (like translation errors for example) are now catched via the try/throw/catch construct and are displayed at the end of the generated html page.

Posted by flaimo 2003-08-02

i18n 2.001 released

Corrected some minor bugs.
Corrected Gettext bugs as good as possible. (Gettext still sucks :-) ).
Added new backend translator class for SQLite
Added PHPDoc comments again, but documentation wont be available until a parser for PHP 5 comes out.

Posted by flaimo 2003-07-30

iCalendar 1.032 + 2.001 released

changed some default values to be generated with gmdate() instead of date(). version 2.001 contains the phpdoc comments again

Posted by flaimo 2003-07-17

Cache 2.000 for PHP 5 released

no new features. just updated code for php 5

Posted by flaimo 2003-07-07

iCalendar 2.000 for PHP 5 released

no new features. just updated code for php 5

Posted by flaimo 2003-07-07

RSS Builder 2.000 for PHP 5 released

no new features. just updated code for php 5

Posted by flaimo 2003-07-07

vCard 2.000 for PHP 5 released

first release for php 5. no new features

Posted by flaimo 2003-07-07

ReloadPreventer 2.000 for PHP 5 released

no text :-)

Posted by flaimo 2003-07-07

i18n 2.000 for PHP 5 released

First PHP 5 release; won't work under PHP 4!
Improved Structure of the classes.
New easy way of adding own translation backend classes though implementing interfaces.
Added caching for translation strings to the Text and MySQL modus to improve speed.

Posted by flaimo 2003-07-07

i18n 1.061 released

Some speed improvements when using the filterSpecialWords() function. Also enhanced the wordFilter() function.

Some code cleanup.

Posted by flaimo 2003-06-23

i18n 1.060 released

Finally managed to rewrite the FormatDate class so the formating options can be set in the l10n.ini file.
Corrected a Bug concerning the changeLocale method.
Some minor code corrections.

Posted by flaimo 2003-06-13

download problems?

if you having problems downloading any of the packages, be sure to try the other mirror servers too. sometimes one or more of them are down

Posted by flaimo 2003-05-30

RSS Builder 1.001 released

Corrected output bug
Added support for version 0.91 and 2.0 (draft)

Posted by flaimo 2003-05-30

Ticker 1.002 released

Fixed body pasting bug.
From this release on the optional starting string can be at the beginning of the body message or the subject of the mail.
Added a method to add a ticker message manually (for example through a form - see sample script). Doesn't work in realtime though, since it takes some time until the message arrives in the mailbox.
Added a cooler javascript ticker to the sample page.

Posted by flaimo 2003-05-29

RSS Builder 1.000 released

with this class you can create a rss 1.0 file including dublic core and SY modules

Posted by flaimo 2003-05-29