
PHP-Free-For-All / News: Recent posts

New Download Location

You can now download the newest source from

See a demo at:

Posted by Paul Pearson 2003-02-03

New Version (2.50)

Just released a new version which adds the feature that an email is sent out when a link is dropped from the page and a completly rewritten admin interface.

Posted by Paul Pearson 2003-02-03

simple fixes

confirm-link.php contained a small bug which is now fixed in cvs.

Posted by Paul Pearson 2002-05-01

Version 2.0

Version 2.0 is completed. Enjoy.

Posted by Paul Pearson 2002-04-30


Since this program that I wrote has been working great for me, I haven't needed to rework the code or add other features to it. It will probably stay this way unless someone else takes up the cause and wants to work on it.


Posted by Paul Pearson 2000-09-11

Version 1.05 is out.

Small changes added to links.php3 and Display-Template.tpl . Use CVS to see the changelog.

Posted by Paul Pearson 2000-03-27

Version 1.0 is Out !

Version 1.0 is out in CVS and file downloads. We also have a demo on our website ( that you can play around with.

Unless there are any major/minor problems with this version, it will be the last version unless someone wants to continue developing it. It does everything I need it to do and other projects require my time. Email me if you would like to continue developing this program.... read more

Posted by Paul Pearson 2000-03-27

Version 1.0

Version 1.0 is in final testing and should be ready within a day or so... If you can't wait, email me and I will send you a copy...


Posted by Paul Pearson 2000-03-24

Version 0.8 Feedback Needed

Comments/Suggestions/Questions about things you would like to see in Version 0.8 ? Post them in the forum.

Posted by Paul Pearson 2000-03-13

Initial Release on

This is the initial relase under GPL and .

Posted by Paul Pearson 2000-02-16