
phpEventMan / News: Recent posts

Release v1.1 - Now with AJAX Frontend

1. Whats new

Greatest innovation in this version is the AJAX based Frontend.
Thereby the frontend experienced a complete renewal.
Its now possible to get a quick overview about available events,
their details, the state of the paricipants.
All those improvements result in a more intuitive GUI.

Furthermore, the E-Mail System now uses templates to generate
the mail for invitations, reminders, and forum entry infos.
Its possible to define HTML and/or plain text templates.... read more

Posted by Sven 2007-02-27

New release v1.0.2

A new releas is out. Main feature is the multi language capabilitie. Furthermore, there is a fix for a vulnerability that might cause some real problems.
Last but not least, the ZIP contains a UserGuide Document, that describes the first steps working with the system.

Posted by Sven 2007-01-21