
PhotoProbe / News: Recent posts

Filtering bug corrected in v0.6.1

It came to my attention that when filtering photos on the Explorer Pane, the last cell of the matrix would be ignored if selected on a filtering. This version solves this bug and introduces two new skins: Fire and Ice.

Posted by Daniel Gonçalves 2003-08-11

Version 0.6 now available

The major new feature of this release is that all thumbnails are now stored together in a special-purpose directory. For starters, this means you don't have to go around cleaning up '.pp_thumbs' directories all around you hard drive. Also, you should now be able to use PhotoProbe to explore photos on now-writable media (notably: CDs).


Posted by Daniel Gonçalves 2003-08-07

Version 0.5.1 released

This version deals with the problems found by users running PhotoProbe in directories containing the 'Space' character. If all you got was a blank page, this was probably the cause.

Posted by Daniel Gonçalves 2003-07-31

PhotoProbe v0.5 just released

Now with a directory explorer, histogram extraction and new skins!

Posted by Daniel Gonçalves 2003-07-30

Version 0.4 is out!

PhotoProbe v0.4 has just been released!

Posted by Daniel Gonçalves 2003-07-25