
Tree [8b728e] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 i18n 2012-12-22 wang-bin wang-bin [3fdf51] update translation
 qtc_packaging 2012-12-22 wang-bin wang-bin [0ec6b1] version 0.3.9
 res 2012-12-22 wang-bin wang-bin [0ec6b1] version 0.3.9
 screenshot 2012-07-15 wang-bin wang-bin [238726] Add screenshot and
 src 2012-12-31 LucasWang LucasWang [8b728e] update NextEffect
 test 2012-09-26 wang-bin wang-bin [af7f94] Qt5 support
 .gitignore 2012-12-12 wang-bin wang-bin [7a3533] exe info in rc
 .gitmodules 2012-09-12 wang-bin wang-bin [1e2c42] Use libexif-port instead. My project. 2012-12-22 wang-bin wang-bin [d96cfc] packaging 2012-12-18 LucasWang LucasWang [4b42ce] qmake usage: set var in command line
 TODO 2012-12-12 wang-bin wang-bin [fec0b5] misc
 common.pri 2012-12-22 wang-bin wang-bin [d96cfc] packaging
 deploy.pri 2012-10-13 wang-bin wang-bin [f45b69] Add missing desktop file for fremantle

Read Me


PhotoKit is a photo browser with impressive 3D effects and many slide effects.

* 3D effects
* Slide effects (my another project NextEffect).
* Multi-touch (e.g. on N9)
* EXIF information.
* Share images to sina weibo. (for Chinese users)
* Online images with Google image search.
* Build debian package (make deb).

PhotoKit can not manager photos now, just viewing. It will be possible in the future.

The UI of PhotoKit is based on Qt graphics framework (except filedialog), so you will have the same experience on all platforms. On N9, it only supports landscape mode because the limitation of QWidget. At the begining, i just use many QWidget based components, but they are very ugly on Harmattan, so I have to wrote these components using graphics framework, e.g. button, textinput and dialog. The work is hard, but the result is good.

Get the binary

I have built PhotoKit for many platforms, you can download them from sourceforge:

Including deb packages for Nokia N9 and N900, dmg for Mac OS X, and zip for Windows.

You can build PhotoKit yourself for linux, and building a deb is very easy, just "make deb"


  1. Clone the project including submodules:

git clone --recursive git://

git submodule foreach git checkout master

  1. qmake -r "BUILD_DIR=/your/build/dir" [path/to/pro]

  2. make -j4

The binaries is in $BUILD_DIR/bin

  1. Build package

building debian package is supported now(tested for ubuntu 12.04, 8.04). Use the following command

make deb

  1. Update source code

git pull

git submodule update

NOTE: If you are using QtCreator to build the project, you should go to Projects->Build Steps->qmake->Additional arguments, add "BUILD_DIR=your/buid/dir".


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