
PhobIRC / News: Recent posts

PhobIRC new packages

Well, PhoBrain is now in beta process as it becomes to looks like what i want for the first release.
PhoBot is evolving so fast that it will be in alpha soon.
Client scripts of PhoBest are not really active as i'm working alone on all the project. I'll be happy if some people with skills in network scripting of xchat could help.

Doc has been updated to provide more info on PhoBrain <=> Clients protocol and on Role scripting. This is also a part of the work in progress.... read more

Posted by Damien Couderc 2002-06-02

PhobIRC : Import of PhoBot

Well, PhoBot has been imported in the tree.
It is in the most basic state of a irc client.
I'm working on interfacing events for now.
Maybe i'll try to start to handle connection with PhoBrain in few days ...

Posted by Damien Couderc 2002-05-26

Update of project info

As it remains some traffic on this project homepage i've updated the project description to inform people that this project is no longer public.
This is now a personnal project which i maintain for my own.
Sorry for people who like it, but this is result of people who don't understand what means OPENSOURCE ( not only gratuitous project).

Hey linux users !
You'll be eaten alive by microsoft and other proprietary companies if you persist in this way !

Posted by Damien Couderc 2001-10-05

PhobIRC : this is the end ...

This project was started for maintaining my own channel.
After my abandon of this channel i decided to maintain PhobIRC as it was (i think) a really good concept.
But without any feedback on using the software i cannot continue to work on this projet.

I think that a lot of people forgot what is the meaning of open source.
One of the most beautiful aspect of open source is that you can contribute to a project by giving feedback (or more things like patches) to a project, if you don't then this project will die.
So guys who have downloaded tarball of this project have not done their jobs.... read more

Posted by Damien Couderc 2001-09-21

PhobIRC latest alpha package

Package alpha 1.3 is out.
I'm a bit busy on others projects, so PhobIRC development is slow actually.

The projet is still looking for maintainers to handle new clients like irccii, sirc, etc ...
If somebody want to take XChat client, i'm open to discussion :)

We still waiting for your feedback on using and/or installing PhobIRC.
Improving this cannot be done if nobody complain ..

I finish on a good news : HOWTO for scripting commands will be released soon.... read more

Posted by Damien Couderc 2001-08-30

PhobIRC Project : New forum

The forum 'Open Discussion' is now public.
Another forum 'feedback' has been created to permit feedback on using PhobIRC to help us to improve quality and simplicity of our package.

We are waiting your contributions

Posted by Damien Couderc 2001-08-17

Script library has been added to phobrain.

Now phobrain include module library to handle role scripts.
This has two effects : first it simplify writing of role scripts, and secondly it permits to reuse the same script many times with different settings.
Quickly we can say that now script are loaded in a library as modules, which are copied and initialized with a configuration file to be included in active rolelist.

Will be out soon in new alpha package... read more

Posted by Damien Couderc 2001-08-09

alpha is running ;)

Well i submitted alpha release with last minute changes, that was not a good idea.
Now bugs are fixed and this alpha is usable.
Enjoy !

Posted by Damien Couderc 2001-07-17

alpha is out

This alpha release is near from stable release quality.
Functionality has been tested in real use, some know problems and missing features still prevent to launch the version 'release 1.0'.
- binding standard events
- fix eggdrop connection problem if phobrain absent
- finish to handle identified user table
- use crypted passwords in users db(easy to do in a short time, but heh ...)
- need to add at least 2 more client's scripts (hey guys there are jobs ...)
- more doc ... (boring but needed ;)... read more

Posted by Damien Couderc 2001-07-11

alpha delayed

Due to lack of time, alpha release is delayed to next week-end.
I want to release this version with an how-to wich explain how to use and configure PhoBRAIN.
Protocol description is another goal of this release.
Then an how-to for PhoBEST eggdrop is not superfluous ...

Sorry for inconvenient

Posted by Damien Couderc 2001-06-12

phobrain status

We are not so far from the first ALPHA release.
Role code is almost complete in it's functionnal state.
I will probaby submit ALPHA release package at the end of the week. If i could not reach wanted level of functionality, i will build at least another pre-alpha package.

we still looking for coders to implement other irc client's scripts

Posted by Damien Couderc 2001-06-08

role bind is running

Now binding in a phobrain role is complete.
Test was done with an channel op command.
Request was succesfully processed by phobrain and user was op by a bot client.

Now role utility functions and user management are next objectives for this projet.

We still looking for jobs, see main page ...


Posted by Damien Couderc 2001-06-03

some fresh news for may

I recently added more function for role managing, and improved lot of other existant code.
I've fixed some hardcoded grouik things ...

Help will be appreciated if you have skills in xchat or mirc scripting (jobs are open), or if you have high skill in egdrop sockets.

Now we have a code which permit chanop operations between eggdrops and phobrain.


Posted by Damien Couderc 2001-05-26

Role support

roles functions have been added
I've taken for example some botnet functions
Not running well for the moment ...

Posted by Damien Couderc 2001-05-05

late pre-alpha release

I'm late with the release date, i meet some problems of structure design which are now almost fixed for many tasks.
I must now fix channel structure, and improve handling of events and request.
Release of pre alpha is now imminent ...


Posted by Damien Couderc 2001-04-08


PhoBrain and PhoBest-eggdrop are running.
PhoBrain classes need to be more efficient but it works, login procedure is running well, events are being processed as well. Must code a minimum feed-back to the clients requests and improve clients management.
PhoBest-eggdrop can login into PhoBrain. It sends events and requests. There is a minor problem to handle error during connection to PhoBrain (if there is no open port, 'connect' causes a die of the eggdrop)... read more

Posted by Damien Couderc 2001-03-12