
#230 bug when trying to store `\pgfplotstablegetrowsof` with `\pgfmathsetmacro`

v1.0 (example)

Actually this is a bug that originally was reported in the TikZ/pgf tracker (, but should most likely have been reported here. So I am "repeating" it here with some minor modifications/updates. I also provide an MWE at the end.

For simplicity here I only copy some lines of emails in German which should act as a reminder for Christian.

My email:

[...] könntest du mal einen kurzen Blick auf
werfen und mir sagen, ob es ein Bug ist, dass ich \NoOfRows nicht in \pgfplotstablegetelem verwenden kann. [...]

His answer:

[...] das mit \NoOfRows ist eine Mischung aus der komplizierten Nutzung der FPU engine und einem fehlenden sanity check (=bug).

Was passiert ist dass \NoOfRows auf 1Y4.0e0 gesetzt wird, was soviel heisst wie "+ 4.0 * 10^0". Als Zeilennummer interpretiert scheint der aber nur die "1" genommen zu haben und den Rest stillschweigend weggeworfen zu haben. [...]


% used PGFPlots v1.16
    % first put the data to an external file or a table,
    % so it can be handled by the `pgfplotstable' package
        0   0
        1   1
        2   2
        3   3
        4   4
        positioning,    % <-- for debugging nodes only
        % to be sure that no numbers are interpreted as zero, activate `fpu'
        % library
            %%% find `xmin' and `xmax'
            % for that first sort the table after the x values
            % then one can directly extract `xmin'
            \pgfplotstablegetelem{0}{[index] 0}\of\SortedTable
            %% now extract `xmax'
            % for that we first need to extract the number of rows in the table
            % then we can extract the last entry in the sorted table
            % (I think because of a bug this doesn't work so one has to
            %  enter the index manually)
            \pgfplotstablegetelem{\NoOfRows}{[index] 0}\of\SortedTable
%            \pgfplotstablegetelem{4}{[index] 0}\of\SortedTable


            % add the extra ticks from the extracted data
            extra x ticks={
            % just to make sure these are the extra ticks, draw them red
            extra x tick style={
            \addplot +[black, mark options=fill=black] table {data.txt};

            % for debugging show the value of `xmax'
            \node [fill=black!25,anchor=north west]  (a) at (rel axis cs:0.02,0.98)
                {Rows = \pgfmathprintnumber{\NoOfRows}};
            \node [fill=black!25,below=1pt of a.south west,anchor=north west]
                {xmax = \pgfmathprintnumber{\xmax}};

which results in the attached picture.

1 Attachments
