[bug] position of sub-figure
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I test the code in https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/74680
the '\theta=20,\phi=20' sub-figure is missing.
However, I change the code a bit
\pgfplotsset{width=3cm} \begin{figure} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.75] %\foreach \x/\polangle in {-8/20,0/45,8/70} % \foreach \y / \azangle in {-8/20,0/45,8/70} \foreach \x/\polangle in {2/20,8/45} \foreach \y / \azangle in {-2/20,8/45} \node at (\x,\y) {\plotsphere{\polangle}{\azangle}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{figure}
the '\theta=20,\phi=20' sub-figure is shown on the upper-left and outside the figure
On TikZ v3.1.4b and PGFPlots v1.16 I get the desired result. On which versions are you? Could you add an image/screenshot to show the odd behaviour?