
#217 `mapped color` broken since tikz/xcolor update when using dvips route

v1.0 (example)


  • Christian Feuersänger

    I understand that xcolor with prologue is incompatible with pgfplots - and I understand why this is so.

    What I do not understand is: why is this a problem starting with some new miktex update!? Which update caused the problem? It cannot be the interaction between the most recent PGF 3.1 and pgfplots.

    I see Herbert Voss's comments in, but I do not understand why there should be a bug in old code that used to work flawlessly for years.

    I'll try to track down the issue. For now, I assume that this has to be fixed in tikz and not in pgfplots. Note that I see comments stating that whitespace in color names is a bad idea. However, this worked flawlessly since 2008 and there must be a reason why this is suddenly bad. Getting rid of white spaces in color names is something that can only be done in TikZ's color key handling unless we want to many existing tex documents (which is to be avoided even if it costs something).

  • Christian Feuersänger

    I found the root cause. It is an issue introduced right before the release of PGF 3.1 and has to be fixed in PGF.

    Rejecting this ticket.

  • Christian Feuersänger

    • status: open --> closed-wont-fix