
#80 pgf manual tutorial on grow' for horizontal tree

Next Release
Kevin Ryde

In the pgf manual under "Tutorial: A Lecture Map for Johannes" which introduces trees, the second sample is a horizontal tree growing to the right. It has the child node "Problem Measures" which is first in the source tex appearing at the bottom of the tree in the resulting output.

As a suggestion it could be good to show grow'=right there, illustrating how you can use grow' to make the displayed tree go down the page the same as it appears in your source tex.

This growing the "wrong way" up the page was the first thing I struck when cutting and pasting to make my own horizontal tree. I was worried I'd have to have my source upside down -- until seeing a grow' in an example deep among the reference part of the manual.

If I understand it grow is anti-clockwise in mathematical style. This could be a good place to note that as the explanation for which way it goes, and for why you then choose between grow or grow' for which way you want your source tex vs displayed output.

Apart from that all very nice.
