
Scale everything but the font size

  • cgogolin

    cgogolin - 2008-04-06

    Is it possible to scale everything in a tikzpicture but the font size?

    It is possible to use

        \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2,transform shape]

    to scale _everything_ in an Image, but that also scales the font size.
    I can not omit the "transform shape" option because the nodes need to be scaled as well.

    The background is the following:

    I need a tikzpicture for both a thesis and a paper. The paper is typeset in two column mode with a small font size, while the thesis is typeset in one column mode with a large font size. I want the picture to fit in one column in the paper, while in the thesis it spans over 3/4 of the page. The font size of the labels in the picture should, in both cases, be the same as in the rest of the text.

    • Charles Boncelet

      I've found the best way to scale tikzpictures is to scale x and y.  Write your pictures as


      If you need to change the size, change x and y: [x=2cm,y=0.5cm]

      This changes lengths, but not font sizes.  (Any lengths with units stay constant.  I use this sometimes for node placement.)
