
PostGIS-Arc Connector / News: Recent posts

Beta Extension and setup package released

We have passed a major milestone with the PgArc project: a windows setup application has now be produced which installs PgArc as an ArcMap extension. This makes the installation similar to any standard ArcMap extension installation, making it much easier to install and test the extension.

This version is a beta version and is based on the July 22, 2003 CVS version (bugs included). Once a ODBC DSN is setup to to a PostGIS database, all that is required is turning on the extension and toolbar in ArcMap and use the PgArc tools to access data.... read more

Posted by Tyler Mitchell 2003-09-19

pgarc mentioned in ESRI forum

The pgarc project was noted by one person during a lengthy thread re: open source GIS and ESRI (lack of) connectivity.

Posted by Tyler Mitchell 2003-08-08

Open source connectivity for ArcView users

ESRI ArcView GIS users who desire to be freed from the proprietary pigeon-hole for data formats can sleep a bit easier at night.

The sourceforge project "pgarc" is underway.

Developers are currently testing a PostGIS ( connector for ArcView/ArcMap v8.x. This will enable users to access and update data from a PostGIS database - all using ArcMap-based tools. The code is written in VBA, the native scripting language for ArcMap.... read more

Posted by Tyler Mitchell 2003-07-17