$/Km graph
Status: Alpha
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My name is Roberto Nascimento and I´m using pfuel with my Zire 72 for a quite while.
Here in Brazil most of branded new cars came from factory running with 2 fuels at your discretion at the pump:
Alcool and gasoline. Those fuels have different prices and eficiency.
Would be great and more usefull if pfuel have a graph using $/Km instead of $/volume.
Actually here we have 2 more fuels to choose for our cars: natural gas and bio-diesel (this one not yet so popular).
If you consider to have a record for those fuels in order to filter it and compare eficiency between those would be a plus.
Congratulations for this great program.
Best regards,
Roberto G. Nascimento
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Hi Roberto,
It should not be to hard to have $/Km as a new graphing options.
I will add this on my todo list.
For the option of filtering based on different fuel. This can be interesting but it will require more work. It migh be included in version 6 since you are not the first one requesting something like this.