
Update from ver. 5.4 to 6.0

  • Stefano  Pelizza

    Stefano Pelizza - 2016-07-03

    I need help to update from version 5.4 to version 6.0 keeping the same database.
    I'm using 5,.4 on Java and i try to dump the database .
    I create a xml compressed file.
    Once run the 6.0 I've tried to read the xml but an arror appear.
    A clear procedure for the update will be helpfull

  • Florian Blumenstein

    Hi Stefano,
    you can update your version via the update site of your pf server. Start the new version against the 5.4 database und update the system via the update site. Here is some documentation:
    Best regards,

  • Florian Blumenstein

    At the moment it is not possible to update projectforge via XML dump. Its only the way to store your data for the same pf version.

  • Kai Reinhard

    Kai Reinhard - 2016-07-08

    Hi Stefano,
    the xml export/import functionality exists for migrating the data base from hsqldb to PostgreSQL (it may not work in its beta state). For versions update without changing the data base provider you don't need the xml dump, as described above by Florian.


    Last edit: Kai Reinhard 2016-07-08
  • Stefano  Pelizza

    Stefano Pelizza - 2016-07-10

    Dear Kai and Florian, first of all thnaks for your replay.
    Unfortunately I'm still not able to upgrade to 6.0 keeping the same database.

    I dont understand Florian when He say to start the new version against the 5.4 database.
    What I've done is:
    copy the full projectforge 5.4 folder to a new one : projectforge6
    go to starter configure and point the new directory with all old data on it
    start the 6.0 server
    everything works except that is creating a new database and not sniffing the old one.

    I've also tried to dump the database and import but the import fail.

    please, if you can explain in a step basis option I will be gratefull, I'm not an IT manager, so I need a more step by step explication
    thanks a lot and best regards

  • Florian Blumenstein

    Hi Stefano,
    first of all: Which kind of databse you are using? HSQLDB or Postgres?
    The normal way is:
    1. Create folder structure like:
    ProjectforgeBaseDir (with config.xml in it)
    2. Customize
    Database, Base dir, other stuff
    3. Start projectforge-xxxx.jar
    4. When there is a given filled database, you should redirected to the Projectforge update site.

    Best regards,


  • Marco Nietz

    Marco Nietz - 2016-07-15


    i'm trying to update from 5.3 to 6.0 using postgresql.

    When starting 6.0 i'm able to login as admin in maintenance mode. But after clicking on the update button to 5.5 i receive the following error in the consol:e

    2016-07-15 09:26:57.191  WARN 24861 --- [qtp922923110-22] unknown.jul.logger                       : Exception while checking count from table: T_TENANT Exception: org.postgresqlil.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "t_tenant" does not exist
      Position: 22
    2016-07-15 09:26:57.204  INFO 24861 --- [qtp922923110-22] unknown.jul.logger                       : select count(*) from t_contract where status='IN_PROGRES'
    2016-07-15 09:26:57.237  WARN 24861 --- [qtp922923110-22] org.apache.wicket.ajax.XmlAjaxResponse   : Component '[WebMarkupContainer [Component id = 2]]' with markupid: 'id24' notndered because it was already removed from page

    Any help would be appreciated

    Best Regards,

  • Kai Reinhard

    Kai Reinhard - 2016-07-15

    Hi Marco,

    please try to update from version 5.3 to 5.4 by using ProjectForge 5.4 first before updating vom 5.4 to 6.0.

    Best regards

  • Stefano  Pelizza

    Stefano Pelizza - 2016-10-11

    I still cannot update.
    I'm using projectforge on java base with Hypersonic database
    going on the update page i can only see the already done udate up to version 5.3
    I cannot see any new update.
    thanks for your help

  • Christian Tausendfreund

    Hi Stefano,

    we will try to reproduce the problem and tell you what we have found.

    Best regards,

  • Stefano  Pelizza

    Stefano Pelizza - 2016-10-19

    Thanks A lot ;)

  • Stefano  Pelizza

    Stefano Pelizza - 2017-04-25

    Hi Chrtistian, I'm still locked to v5.4 do you had time to have a look to my problem?

  • Christian Tausendfreund

    Hi Stefano,

    I'm sorry that we didn't fix that bug, but in the last couple of months we had a lot of work with new features and some other bugs. The good news is, that we can reproduce the problem and will try to fix it in the next weeks.

    Best regards,

  • Stefano  Pelizza

    Stefano Pelizza - 2017-04-26

    Dear Christian,
    thanks very much I really would like to update to 6.x version

  • Florian Blumenstein

    Hi Stefano,
    we fixed the migration problem with HSQLDB with the version 6.12. We hope everything will work now. Thanks for using PF.
    Best regards,

  • Stefano  Pelizza

    Stefano Pelizza - 2017-05-24

    Dear Florian, thanks so much. I think I have to wait for the release 6.12 still not public.
    btw what will be the procedure to update to 6.12 release?

  • Stefano  Pelizza

    Stefano Pelizza - 2018-07-29

    Dear Florian, Christian,
    I'm still stuck on version 5.4. I've tried the 6.2 that is starting and working but I'm not able to bring the database in use to the new version.
    I'm working with the JAR version on a windows machine, the 5.4 is starting through the jar GUI, while the 6.2 start through the command line.
    Would be very good for me to have a guide for dummy for the upgrade!
    Also would be intersting to know what to back up as the guide for backup seems to be only valid for UNIX platform

  • Florian Blumenstein

    Hi Stefano,
    did you tried a newer version of PF. We released 6.25.0 today. Let us know if the issue still exists. If yes please open an issue on PF Github page with detailed console output.
    Thx a lot.
    Best regards,


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