
PFC Direction Posted in the Developer's Forum

2 things now:
1) The developer's forum is now going to be used to describe what I (or anyone that I call a 'developer') want to do, probably asking for classes. This means anyone who wants to can contribute by sending me their classfiles in an email/in a post on SF.

2) I may get some more people on board so that this can go faster. If you also want to help (& as a result, be part of the future 'code review & integration commitee'), just send me an email (btw: it's asking to be put on board, with a code snippet of some of your work, or with some comments on how the project should procede.

NOTE: even if more developers are 'hired', I will still be the main maintainer/director of the project. I don't want to lose focus on the project.

Posted by Mike MacMartin 2001-08-18

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