
Onto v0.1.0

The version numbers aren't necessarily very obvious, obviously... Last number is a build number - number of times I've run 'make all' since the time I decided that it was vX.N.0. This probably covers bugfixes OR code that's working towards the next revision (the second number) number (but isn't complete yet, nor even safe - therefore is to be considered HIGHLY, HIGHLY unstable). The revision number covers every time I do something only slightly more major than a build (like v0.1.0 will be GDT, IDT, PICs remapped and some basic interrupt stuff). The version number will be updated for each collection of these revisions that I deem suitable for a version increase (so v1.0.0 might be the first version that would reasonably be deemed an operating system - rather than just code that happens to function as part of an OS).

It should be just a couple days before I get v0.1.0 complete, and that will be the first upload.

Posted by Angus Lepper 2006-04-26

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