dev-andi - 2021-04-09

Hey All,

Weird title, innit? I have received quite a good number of requests for releasing Peux with TWMs (tiling window managers). Work is in progress. My first set would be based on X-server TWMs before proceeding onto the Wayland based managers.

The only problem is that I'm no more in a boredom. The tasks at my job are now more than what it used to be a year ago during COVID-19's initial stage. However, there's nothing to worry, people are joining me from all over the world to support this project in one-way or the other. I'm glad to have received more love than hate ( no time for hate though ;) ).

With the release of Gnome 40 on Arch, it's going to be another task for me to release the 40 version. Then what am I waiting for? Well, I want the Gnome 40 to stabilize for a bit, lets say for a month. You may see some extensions are broken during your transition. But there's an easy fix for that ( the next post after this will give you the details on how to fix them ).

Take care.
