
Pertergrin - A RPG System / News: Recent posts

Pertergrin - Project Site Informations


Some of you may have thought why there project is hosted at sourceforge or why there can no CVS or Mailing List be found here.

The reason is that I mainly host the project at berlios (See the home page). I decided to create a sf project as well for several reason:
- to avoid name conflicts
- sourceforge is one of the most visited sites when searching for projects
- hireing new developers
- discussion forum at an alternative place
- download area (mirror, also for documents)... read more

Posted by ReKa 2003-08-24

Helpful hands needed


The Pertegrin project hosted on berlios seeks you. If you have made experience in RPG playing, designing or developing this is something you. Pertergrin itself aims not only to be very expandable and modular itself but it also invites other RPG (expandable) games to involve.

Currently the first goal is to develop a prototype for the PTG Editor. There are already lot of ideas documented for it but not much discussed (except technical stuff). This is your chance to integrate your ideas in the concept and the prototype. There are several things which can be done: Homepage design, developing (C++/GTK2), designing, writing documents or simply joining one of the maining lists (user and developer) and participating this way.... read more

Posted by ReKa 2003-08-24

Pertergrin - Basic Concepts


I've uploaded the basic game concept and the basic
editor concept of Pertergrin to the documentation page (DocManager). There you will also find the project definition.

Posted by ReKa 2001-04-04