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File Date Author Commit
 .github 2024-03-03 Paul Poandl Paul Poandl [0996ba] Update issue templates
 Helix 2024-03-17 Paul Poandl Paul Poandl [8519e1] Update requirements.txt
 LICENSE 2024-03-03 Paul Poandl Paul Poandl [964cca] Create LICENSE 2024-03-19 Paul Poandl Paul Poandl [a6d1ea] Update

Read Me

Helix - Personal Assistant for Linux/GNU


Helix is a personal Assistant made for Linux/GNU. He supports a wide range of commands and functions, optional you can also
add an WolframAlpha API and OpenAI API for more features.


Run the requirements.txt file:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then start Helix with Python:


From now on you can then start Helix with "pyhton3", but remember that you always have to navigate to the Helix
folder to start Helix.

Socket Server Installation

To set up the socket server (to make Helix accesible with a command from any terminal, while it is running in
the back. in one terminal), you need to perform the following steps:

1. Edit .zshrc or .bashrc

Add the following code snippet to your .zshrc or .bashrc file:

# Helix
function helix_command() {
    local command="$*"
    if [ -z "$command" ]; then
        echo "Usage: helix_command <command>"
        return 1
    echo -n "$command" | nc -q 0 localhost 12345 | sed 's/\x00//g'

To open .zshrc or .bashrc, use a text editor. For example, you can use nano:

nano ~/.zshrc


nano ~/.bashrc

Paste the code snippet at the end of the file.
Save the changes and exit the text editor. In nano, you can do this by pressing Ctrl + X, then Y to confirm saving, and Enter to exit.

2. Restart Shell/netcat

After saving the changes, restart your shell or source the file for changes to take effect.

source ~/.zshrc


source ~/.bashrc

You also have to install netcat-openbsd, when you have not already installed it on your system:

sudo apt install netcat-openbsd

You can also edit other terminal configuration files in a similar manner. For example, if you're using a different shell like fish, the configuration file might be .config/fish/ You can edit it using a text editor and follow similar steps to apply changes.



Compression( - AI Voice Generator & Text to Speech)

Function Commands

  • Play [song/band/video]: Plays music or videos.
  • Talk to/talk/start [WolframAlpha Chat/OpenAI Chat]: Initiates a conversation with the specified AI service.
  • Open [website]: Opens a specified website.
  • Tell me [time/date/joke]: Provides the current time, date, or a random joke.
  • Who is/Who are/What is/What are [query]: Searches for information about a person or thing on Wikipedia.
  • Search wikipedia for [query]: Searches for information on Wikipedia.
  • Search browser for [query]: Conducts a web search for the specified query.
  • And more...

WolframAlpha Commands

  • Calculate [query]: Performs complex calculations.
  • Solve [query]: Solves mathematical problems.
  • Convert [unit1 to unit2]: Converts between units.
  • Differentiate [function]: Finds the derivative of a function.
  • Integrate [function]: Finds the integral of a function.
  • And more...

OpenAI Commands

  • Generate [story/poem/idea/song/dialogue/scenario/joke/script/concept]: Creates original content.
  • Explain [concept/phenomenon/term/theory/historical event/scientific theory/mathematical concept/technological trend]: Explains complex topics.
  • Suggest [book/movie/recipe/activity/hobby/app/tool/destination/gift]: Provides suggestions.
  • Create [recipe/plan/strategy/program]: Helps in creating structured plans.
  • And more...

Good to know

Helix is also adept at understanding everyday conversation, making it versatile in its interactions.
Ensure that you don't include any of the aforementioned commands in your everyday interactions, as doing so
will trigger the function associated with that specific command.

You have the option to activate or deactivate OpenAI and WolframAlpha. However, this means that the commands
related to WolframAlpha and OpenAI will no longer be available as well as the weather, and Helix will not be capable of handling
all everyday commands as effectively. Furthermore, the responses to these everyday commands may not be as satisfactory.

You also have the option to change your location for weather information, your name (how Helix addresses you),
and the APIs for the AIs. To do so, please enter the corresponding command.
You can also activate or deactivate location (weather) and events (calendar), but this will result in the
absence of this information on your dashboard (start screen), and the specific commands associated with them
will no longer function.

Bildschirmaufzeichnung vom 2024-03-17, 01-08-00.webm

To activate or deactivate the ServerSocket functionality, you can use the corresponding command. When activated,
the ServerSocket feature allows you to communicate with Helix from multiple terminals using helix_command command,
like helix_command hello. However, to enable this feature globally, you'll need to add specific configuration
to your shell configuration file (e.g., bashrc or zshrc). Keep in mind that when the ServerSocket is deactivated, this functionality will no longer be available. (Remember, when activated the terminal where is running still has to be open in the background)

To obtain the APIs for OpenAI and WolframAlpha, visit their respective websites. For calendar functionality,
ensure you have both 'token.json' and 'credentials.json' files saved in the same directory as ''.
The 'credentials.json' file can be obtained from Google by following the instructions on their website.
After running Helix with Google Calendar for the first time, the token.json file will be automatically
generated in the same directory. However, you may already have the 'credentials.json' file obtained
from Google for Calendar. For detailed instructions on activating Google Calendar API and obtaining this file
visit this link

For assistance, feel free to reach out to us via email at or,
or find more information on our website at

Screenshot 2024-03-09 23 18 46