Aplha eclipse plugin available at http://www.personalaccess.org/eclipse (set this path inside eclipse as new remote site). Source snapshot being published (libraries + plugins )
The libraries are being used by NAgenda eLawManager and eLawOffice [here on sourceforge]
Svn on sourceforge with eclipse is awful: all will be moved back to cvs. Less features but at least 1/1000 bugs.
This is Vjrtua Axess 0.6, it's an aplha release.
Buil an M$-Access/Filez Maker like tool working on mysql and postgresql :
however application could be extend to manage more users and to be
fully customized as needed, application will work on many OS with
the same interface and without code-rebuilding.
* Works with MYSQL 4.1 ( even with 4.0 but 4.1 is preferred )
* Table creation and management
* Table record locking from library features ( skipping mysql problems )
* Mask -----> Module creation and management
* User creation and management in the application and on Mysql.
* Upgrade management systems : tables are tracked into a CVS like system
* Developer plugin user-friendly "Bronto 1.0" to manage all this features
* Extensible platform with Java plugins
* Field customization : requires java developers... read more
It's an acce$$like application:
more features, good bugfixing, near beta status
added a screenshot of application designer available into Vjrtua Axess, with table/mask(module) creation, update, mantainment, etc etc
Vjrtua Axess it's an ms-access/filemaker like development tool, based on Mysql database, to design tables and data-mask (modules) and then drawing/customing the modules mask.
*after usual java starup the application IS FAST
*tables are tracked with cvs like features
*visual design with RAD features
*java library to extend the application created
*module to create users and assign user rights, without even knowing how mysql manage 'em
*database creation and reusing of code to make new installations and upgrade previous installations
*wokring with reporting tools ( java like as jasp* )
the library is used inside the elawmanager project here on sourceforge, see it ALIVE.
The cvs server always holds the library last sourcecode, it's up to date, and full. However while all the code now is english some messages are still in italian, and the documentation is still missing (sorry but still have no time, and doing it while i've soma spare time)
Java RAD library
Quicly develop, debug, update and setup new procedures working with MySql, Hsqldb, managing user trusts on tables, tables CVS, mask design, etc,etc [check eLawOffice.it to see the library in action]
Last features:
.added support for hsqldb standalone
.added .jar release
.reduced memory use
[all the changes reported into the .zip release]
.autosetup features for first time user [not for the library but for the application using it]
This snapshost holds all the class, jar/lib, and source files used.
Some bug fixed, new .dat cache files format.
Some users reported problems, using the snapshot files. Trying to solve this problem, i'm making new snapshots, creating snapshots in a different way, hoping this will make simpler to check what's in the library. I'll upload 'em asap.
naarani Personal Access library
[full working only with MySql, some features with HsqlDb]
The library is cross-platform and manages :
1) table creation, updates, trace and automatic UPGRADES. Table and mask managment could be done during the debugging [full working inside eclipse]
2) automatic mask creation based on table fields.
Customization of the masks. Managment of sub tables, aliases on fields, etc... read more
All the code of the library, needed to run programs
is on the CVS server.
You can check it with a browser at :
[it will take at least eight hours for the server to be refreshed and show the last uploaded files]
However it's possible to DOWNLOAD all NOW, with Eclipse and all the programs available to manage CVS data.
[There are 2 projects on SourceForge and Instructions about how to run 'em]... read more