

Joel Schneider Joel Schneider

Perl ECS is an implementation of the EMDIS Communication System (ECS), following specifications developed for the European Marrow Donor Information System (EMDIS). ECS is a "communication service for the automatic exchange of messages" via email.


As of version 0.36, the namespace of the Perl ECS code was changed from ECS to EMDIS::ECS. Following the name change, it is possible to install EMDIS::ECS directly from CPAN. Example:

sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install EMDIS::ECS'

Alternatively, the cpanminus tool offers an easy way to install Perl modules into a local-lib directory. Example:

cpanm --local-lib ${HOME}/perl-local-lib EMDIS::ECS

Additionally, the source code includes CentOS and Ubuntu Dockerfile examples, illustrating how to set up Docker images with Perl ECS installed.


For information about Perl ECS, try "perldoc EMDIS::ECS", "perldoc EMDIS::ECS::Config", "perldoc ecstool", etc., or see the EMDIS::ECS documentation on CPAN. For information about ECS, refer to the EMDIS and ECS specifications available from The EMDIS section of the WMDA wiki may also contain relevant information.

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