
0.0.5 BAMMO!

Well what do you know, version 0.0.5 has just hit
the ftp site boys and girls! In this release you will find BIG HUGE changes. The client has been totally re-vamped to use the Tk module as an interface instead of that nasty old console. It is pretty functional now and it is into the stage where a programmer could really start to add some "fun" functions to it. *cough* *cough* *developers wanted* *cough* *cough* Anyways, this release probably is the last of the 0.0.x series. Hopefully the next release will be a 0.1 release. I hope to have messaging look more like AIM, and to generally smoothen things out. There are also a few little kinks with getting both threads to exit properly under all conditions and some more documentation is needed. Oh and I added a copy of the GPL to the tarball, so now there is both a reference and a copy to the license under which this project is protected.

Oh and BTW this project is up to 1541 lines of code (not counting modules outside of the 0.0.5 tarball). All but 425 were written by me, the rest were provided in Oreilly's Advanced Perl Programming by Sriram Srinivasan.

I know this really is not that big of a release, but I am feeling really emotional right now so what the heck. Shouts go out to #perl of for all of their help, Oreilly for their great books, and Me *grin*.

Posted by torrance jones 2000-08-11

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