
Oak release 1.6

The release 1.6 of Oak is released. It has several important modifications. See the changelog:
* Oak::SOAP::Connector and Oak::SOAP::Application - Integrates Oak with the SOAP tecnology
* Automatized Authentication method - Oak/AAS
* Component ActionLinkList
* Component LabeledInput
* Method constructor of Oak::Component rewritten, a better code now.
* All components must be created passing RESTORE or RESTORE_TOPLEVEL
* DBIEntity manages autoincrement fields
* DBIEntity can have the working Oak::IO::DBI object setted.
* Oak::Controller::EntityHelper - Module to help controllers
* Bug fix in Oak::Filer::Component - References were flying away.
* Oak::Web::Container now has the content property.
* Bug fix in Oak::Web::Additional::SimpleList - Not all the <UL> were closed.
* Bug fix in Oak::Web::HTML::Base - It was printing LINK tag
* Bug fix in Oak::Web::HTML::Button - Button is a container, not an empty tag
* Oak::Web::HTML::H doesn't use the caption property anymore
* Bug fix in Oak::Web::HTML::Input - Was not working with images
* Oak::Web::HTML::PhraseElement is a Container descendant and doesn't use the caption property anymore

Posted by Daniel Ruoso 2003-03-13

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