
On the way to Oak 1.0

Oak is clearly close to version 1.0.
Currently oak already show a web page from the component definition file. This can be seen in the directory Oak/test/WebTest/ in the CVS ( ). In this directory there are 4 files:
-- The executable, the cgi script
-- page1.xml: The component definition file for the toplevel page1
-- result.html: What I've got after running
-- page.css: Needed to have a beatified result.

What's the next step?

1) Create the Oak::Web::Template component to insert some kind of text inside your page
2) Create the method receive_cgi in the components that actually posts some data
3) Check the call for events in methods like show or constructor
4) Create a functional web application Oak-based.
5) Pack and Publish Oak 1.0

Posted by Daniel Ruoso 2002-12-07

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