
Oak 1.2 Released

Oak 1.2 has been released... In this version, the event ev_onDestroy was deleted, because the garbage collector will not run in the same moment you undef the variable... and in some cases, makes the software dies... so... if you want to do something when one object is destroying... use the DESTROY method...

Now you can Include an toplevel inside of another... to do this you have the Oak::Web::Additional::Include and the Oak::Web::Additional::Included. The first one calls an top-level in the show method... and the second one inherits the receive_cgi method from Oak::Web::Page but do not print anything... these two components will be usefull to create a menu....

The Oak::Web::Additional::ActionLink can be used to create menus, because it dispatchs an ev_onClick event.

The Oak::Web::Additional::Datefield and UsernameField makes the use of special inputs easier....

Posted by Daniel Ruoso 2002-12-21

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