
perl-aol / News: Recent posts

perl-aol version 0.0.4 is Released

This is to announce perl-aol version 0.0.4.

Information links:

Main perl-aol summary page:

Discussion forums:

The Code:

Some example/testing scripts (I use these to find out if perl-aol is working): read more

Posted by Jim Lynch 2002-12-07

perl-aol lives again!!

I had to do it...

I spent a week tracking down the reference counting problem, and found it in Aolserver::Ns_Set. All the test scripts run, so I'll be continuing along the original path, with two additions:

First, I think my idea of going into the perl infrastructure for one of aolserver's data structures and protecting that by altering the perl linkage is flawed. So, I will be introducing ownership flags for every instance, such that if not owned, perl will not attempt to destroy or free the aolserver data structure itself.... read more

Posted by Jim Lynch 2002-12-03

Announce: perl-aol 0.0.3 is released (one-make builds)


With this release, perl-aol can be built with one make invocation after
editing a newly created top-level makefile.

Details in the README :)


Posted by Jim Lynch 2000-12-02

Announce: perl-aol, adding perl capability to aolserver

Aolserver, the fast, threadded web server that has database capability built into the API only has TCL as a scripting language (and I think python too).

perl-aol is my project that adds perl capability to aolserver. Using perl, you can: send content to the browser, search (i.e., regex) through any other web page (maybe to get, say, the population of the US or to find a monetary exchange rate), look at the header lines the browser sent to the server, write an HTML page on the fly using data from any of these sources, and more.... read more

Posted by Jim Lynch 2000-11-27

Database access well on the way


After working for about a week with i2wild (on for many long hours, we have determined that the next major extension to the base layer of perl-aol is nearing testability stage.

I have now found the annoying bug that segfaulted the server. Not the fault of the core glue code itself, my test script tried to select from a nonexistant table, and then did not check the result codes of methods that might have mentioned there was a problem :) Oh well... live, learn and code some more...... read more

Posted by Jim Lynch 2000-11-21

I need testers!

Hi, I need people to try the build of perl-aol and comment on it.

It's a fairly involved build, not just type make and go... among other things, you have to build aolserver and a special perl. Also, aolserver isn't too easy to configure.

Still, it seems worth it given its speed and features.

If you haven't tried aolserver before, I encourage you to do so... build just aolserver and try to get it going. See if you can build the PostgreSQL driver for aolserver, and use the database from aolserver.... read more

Posted by Jim Lynch 2000-11-04

perl-aol builds on openbsd (but has unknown instabilities)

Today, dsm ( built perl-aol on openbsd-current (perl-aol was developed in linux) and he used aolserver 3.2, which is the latest.

(his note is in the perl-aol general discussion forum.)

I was hoping for a report of this nature, so I'm now beginning to experiment with the use of aolserver's database pools.

As always, you can find docs on aolserver directly on their (very useful) site,... read more

Posted by Jim Lynch 2000-11-04