

Sean Patti

Welcome to our project!

The Periodic Table of Elements is currently in Alpha testing. The source and the first beta will be released this month Febuary 2016. Please be sure to open tickts with suggestions and bugs found in the program.

Thank you for taking the time to read the wiki. We holp you enjoy the Periodic Table of Elements project we have sreated.


  • Sean Patti

    Sean Patti - 2016-02-07

    Please All,

    If you find and issue on any platform, open a support ticket so we can address the issue in the next release.

  • Sean Patti

    Sean Patti - 2016-02-08

    When running on Fedora or other Redhat based distros. You may need to add the following packages:

    QtBase 5.5.1
    QtWidgets 5.5.1
    QtGUI 5.5.1

    If you have further issues after installing these packages. Please open a support ticket.


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