
Perforins Bash / News: Recent posts

Project closed

This is the admin speaking ;)

For everyone who got this page while searching for some Quotes menaging system, please go futher with your search. This code is old as shit and I wasn't aware of any security coding. It's plain old, a pain in the ass to maintain and horribly bad ;)

If you are new to perl and want an inspiration, go on and download it. BUT please don't ever rly use this script.

That's it folks. Just wanted to let you know that I won't continue on this project. Back in the days it was fun but now it's not that funny ;)... read more

Posted by Perforin 2011-05-04

Version 2.7

Well, this is possibly my last update for the bash. It's now only using the CGI modul (98%) and there were some minor bug fixxes. To fully understand the bash you have to look at the source and know some perl... iḿ afraid that i'm to lazy to document verything^^

But I left a easteregg for you guys. Hf at searching it :D

Greetings Perforin

Posted by Perforin 2009-04-12

Atom Feed

Atom Feed Patch released!
Hiermit wird auch wieder der Atom Feed funktionieren.Das Problem war, dass im ACP eine htaccess den Zugriff auf den nötigen Ordner blockiert hat.

Posted by Perforin 2008-11-09