
HoSpace for PennMUSH / News: Recent posts

We're back!

After a long hiatus, many hospitalizations, and a few surgeries...and finding out that I ( Howie ) am not dieing, I'm back to work on this again.

I'd like to say it's by popular demand, but more like just one or 2 people demanding it. The test site, H2O is back up and running, and development to commence soon to bring it up to date with current platforms.

Stay Tuned.

Posted by Howie Sixtynine 2007-12-06


HoSpace is still under development by myself and Cloud.

There are some feature changes coming and PennMUSH is expected to release a new stable version which we will completely support.

Posted by Howie Sixtynine 2004-09-14

H2O going public

The HoSpace main testing MUSH has gone public. Not only public, but socially public!

You many connect to port 6900 and register characters to build, code, hang out, chat, and test or learn HoSpace.

Posted by Howie Sixtynine 2004-02-14


Update for May: HoSpace 2.0 is coming along. The beta version of it is up on H2O. New Frontier TrekMUSH will be running it within a week. I suspect about 2 weeks before it's released to public and taken out of beta status.

This is the release with in-mush specs, also known as 'softocoded' specs.

The webpage is slowly coming along, if only we can get ArcherDB to FINISH it :). If you want to site improvements, drop him a mail. Just click his name for the info.

Posted by Howie Sixtynine 2003-05-15


CVS is open, but not currently up to date. It currently has a version of HoSpace in it above 1.5.1 but below 1.6.

Posted by Howie Sixtynine 2003-04-07

HoSpace 1.5 removed

I made a bit of an error in the release of HoSpace 1.5. The package was not made correctly and I found one small bug in the install. The package would be ok for an upgrade of an existing HoSpace install.

However, since a new install would croak, I decided to remove HoSpace 1.5 from the list of available downloads. HoSpace 1.5.1 will replace it shortly.

Posted by Howie Sixtynine 2003-02-20

Welcome New Members

I would like to welcome our 2 newest members to the project. Cloud_Strife has worked with me on HoSpace off and on for years.

Noltar is a win32 porter of pennmush and is going to be providing the windows binaries of pennmush + hospace.

Posted by Howie Sixtynine 2003-02-20

New Release changes

The latest release of the HoSpace Source ( 1.5 ) now compiles cleanly on windows. Should work in Cygwin or under Visual Studio as well.

There will be new package releases with pennmush as well in the next few days. As well as binary releases.

Posted by Howie Sixtynine 2003-02-13

Updated Release

Major bug squashed. Just an oversight in compatibility with the new pennmush.

Posted by Howie Sixtynine 2003-02-01

First Release

HoSpace's first release on is out.

It conatins small bugfixes and fixes compatibility with PennMUSH 1.7.6.

Posted by Howie Sixtynine 2003-01-29