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  • Logic-Gate

    Logic-Gate - 2013-05-21

    Executing Commands

    There is no need to enter the command itself, only the arguments that proceed it.

    Example nmap:


    nmap$ -sS

    Last edit: Logic-Gate 2013-05-23
  • Logic-Gate

    Logic-Gate - 2013-05-24 & SMITM

    parselog was originally written by z3ros3c and posted on

    I have modified the source code to accept system arguments.

    excerpt from original parselog


      lines = open('sslstrip.log','r').readlines()
      lines = []

    excerpt from modified parselog


    for p in sys.argv[1:]:
            lines = open(p,'r').readlines()
            lines = []

    Although it might not seem that important, but it does make a difference when executing the script.

    The original parselog assumes the output from sslstrip to be sslstrip.log. Whereas the modified needs the user's input.

    Example of modified parselog:


    parselog path/to/any/sslstrip/output

    The modified parselog is useful when used with SMITM(Silent MITM).

    SMITM saves the log from sslstrip using the following format:


    $(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')

    In layman terms:



    Please Note:

    The default path of the log is:



    Issues with SMITM-stop

    SMITM is derived from YAMAS and uses the same order of execution with the exception of it being silent(Once everything is set, the command-prompt will close). I wrote SMITM for embedded-linux(Rpi-odroid).

    Silent does not refer to a clever way of beguiling the target, rather an output-free environment for the user.

    SMITM-Stop kills sslstrip, ettercap, and clears the ip-tables. I am reluctant to advocated the use of killall as the script stopper, seeing as how it may cause unwanted system failures.
    - - -

    Hopefully, I will include a cleaner stop script in the next release.



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