
Java SIP softphone / News: Recent posts

new release peers-0.5

Hi, three years without a new release, but peers not dead yet.
Peers source code is now hosted on github: .
This new release comes with updated documentation with usage example and now uses maven to build peers. Peers source code split in many modules. Thus, it's easier to port peers to new java platforms. A demo javascript api is also provided.
I hope you will enjoy this release.

Posted by yohannmartineau 2014-05-01

peers-0.4 small is beautiful

A new release of peers is available, the smallest complete java sip softphone. New codecs, new GUI, no external dependency, more interoperability tests. Try it now!

Posted by yohannmartineau 2010-12-14

Peers resurrection!

Peers tiny java sip softphone is back. Compatibility with asterisk and media quality have been the target of this release. Some other features have been implemented and many bugs have been fixed. I hope you'll enjoy this release as much as I do!

Posted by yohannmartineau 2009-09-29

Third release, still growing!

The third release is has been uploaded. This release has new features like REGISTER and digest authentication. Thus peers can be registered on a sip network.
But the most exciting improvements are probably within the code. Huge code cleaning and advanced tests with testNG have been performed.

Posted by yohannmartineau 2008-06-15

Second release, peers is back!

Peers is still a SIP softphone, and still minimalist...
This new release contains provisional responses management, CANCEL implementation (for both sides: UAS and UAC). The basic GUI has been updated with those new features, and many bugs have been fixed.

Try it out now! The download page is waiting for you!

Posted by yohannmartineau 2008-03-29

First release updated !

A new release is available for Peers: 0.1.1. It contains a few bug fixes and the startup script has been moved to root directory.
It does not contain new features, it's more a fix for first release. Try this one, it should be easier for you!

Posted by yohannmartineau 2007-12-09

First release

Peers 0.1 is out!
Peers is a very minimalist SIP User-Agent, it allows you to call anyone running a RC3261 compatible SIP Softphone, using its IP address.
The REGISTER method has not been implemented yet, but you can perform a real call between two hosts on a local network.

Posted by yohannmartineau 2007-11-26

Initial commit

The first real commit has been made on peers. Try the SIP user agent now ! Download source code via subversion, compile it with ant (requires JVM 1.6) at project root and launch UACTestMain and UASTestMain against sipp.

Posted by yohannmartineau 2007-06-06