
Built Peers softphone in NetBeans IDE

  • Ricardo Aguilera

    Hi Yohann! Congratulations for your project!
    Could you please tell me how do I can built the project in netbeans IDE. I've been working on it but I couldn't do it.

    • yohannmartineau

      yohannmartineau - 2014-03-11


      peers now uses a git repo, hosted on
      github manage source code
      versions, install git if not already done and run:
      git clone

      peers is made of several modules (peers-lib, peers-gui, etc.). Actually,
      peers modules are all called peers-*. Other directories are utility
      directories (configuration, logs, etc.)
      When peers is built, some of those module generate a library (.jar) and
      some just generate an archive (.zip).
      peers uses maven to define what should be
      generated for each module and dependencies amongst modules.

      install netbeans "java se" version. I
      tested with version 7.4 on windows 7.
      File > Open project
      Select peers root directory.
      Netbeans automatically detects modules, etc.
      if you have any module open, close it (right-click and close).
      click "clean and build project (peers)".
      if you don't close modules, netbeans will complain that it cannot delete
      module-name\target directory. Thus, you have to build peers root project
      double-click peers-gui to open the corresponding module.
      open Source Packages, then net.sourceforge.peers.gui
      open (double-click)
      add breakpoint in, line 55 to stop in main. (just click on
      right click in left panel and click "Debug file".

      right click peers-gui, properties, run, working directory browse, select
      peers root directory.

      Then you can run or debug MainFrame from peers-gui module.

      what i generally do (in eclipse) is right click the class where main() is
      and then debug as java application (let's say MainFrame). When you do this
      (in eclipse or in any ide in my opinion), the java virtual machine is run
      from the project root directory. If project considered as peers-gui, the
      jvm is run in this directory, here in peers-gui. Peers, in its standard
      configuration is looking for its configuration file in conf directory.
      Thus, if you run the jvm in peers-gui, it won't find conf directory. In
      eclipse, you can modify working directory. Thus, I modify run or debug
      configuration, in Arguments tab, you can choose Working directory: Other,
      File System, and select peers root directory. Thus, conf directory can be
      found and MainFrame can run without exceptions.

      This trick can also be done in netbeas as explained above (right-click
      peers-gui project, properties, run, working directory).

      hope this helps,


      On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 9:05 AM, Ricardo Aguilera

      Hi Yohann! Congratulations for your project!
      Could you please tell me how do I can built the project in netbeans IDE.
      I've been working on it but I couldn't do it.

      Built Peers softphone in NetBeans IDE

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