
Peers cannot connect to Asterisk

  • peers2011

    peers2011 - 2011-03-09

    I launch Peers from the source code with Eclipse, and i want to connect it to my Asterisk which is installed in VMWare but always  i have always "Registration failed" and i dont know what is the problem.
    The ip Adress of my virtual machine(Asterisk) is
    My peers.xml is :

          <!-- username (corresponding to the user part of your sip uri) -->
          <!-- Example: alice -->
          <!-- domain (corresponding to the domain part of your sip uri) -->
          <!-- Example: -->
          <!-- if password is empty, no REGISTER message is sent -->
          <!-- Example: 1234 -->
          <!-- you can specify an outbound proxy for registration and calls -->
          <!-- Example: sip:;lr -->
          <interface ref="eth1"/>
          <!-- you can specify the sip listening port you want, default value is
               5060 -->
          <!-- Example: 5060 -->

    and 121 is the extension that i had added in  Asterisk.
    an here the log file :

    2011-03-09 12:14:29,156 INFO  [Thread-2] starting user agent [myAddress:, sipPort: 6060, userpart: 121, domain: 121]
    2011-03-09 12:14:29,187 INFO  [Thread-2] added datagram socket
    2011-03-09 12:14:29,187 INFO  [Thread-2] added net.sourceforge.peers.sip.transport.UdpMessageReceiver@8965fb to message receivers
    2011-03-09 12:14:29,218 DEBUG [Thread-2] SM z9hG4bKeDRmn4iRP|REGISTER [NonInviteClientTransactionStateInit -> NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying] setState
    2011-03-09 12:14:29,718 DEBUG [Transaction timer] SM z9hG4bKeDRmn4iRP|REGISTER [NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying -> NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying] setState
    2011-03-09 12:14:30,734 DEBUG [Transaction timer] SM z9hG4bKeDRmn4iRP|REGISTER [NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying -> NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying] setState
    2011-03-09 12:14:32,734 DEBUG [Transaction timer] SM z9hG4bKeDRmn4iRP|REGISTER [NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying -> NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying] setState
    2011-03-09 12:14:36,734 DEBUG [Transaction timer] SM z9hG4bKeDRmn4iRP|REGISTER [NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying -> NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying] setState
    2011-03-09 12:14:40,734 DEBUG [Transaction timer] SM z9hG4bKeDRmn4iRP|REGISTER [NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying -> NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying] setState
    2011-03-09 12:14:44,734 DEBUG [Transaction timer] SM z9hG4bKeDRmn4iRP|REGISTER [NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying -> NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying] setState
    2011-03-09 12:14:48,734 DEBUG [Transaction timer] SM z9hG4bKeDRmn4iRP|REGISTER [NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying -> NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying] setState
    2011-03-09 12:14:52,734 DEBUG [Transaction timer] SM z9hG4bKeDRmn4iRP|REGISTER [NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying -> NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying] setState
    2011-03-09 12:14:56,734 DEBUG [Transaction timer] SM z9hG4bKeDRmn4iRP|REGISTER [NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying -> NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying] setState
    2011-03-09 12:15:00,734 DEBUG [Transaction timer] SM z9hG4bKeDRmn4iRP|REGISTER [NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying -> NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying] setState
    2011-03-09 12:15:01,218 DEBUG [Transaction timer] SM z9hG4bKeDRmn4iRP|REGISTER [NonInviteClientTransactionStateTrying -> NonInviteClientTransactionStateTerminated] setState
    2011-03-09 12:15:01,218 DEBUG [Transaction timer] image url: file:/E:/Mansouri_Bechir/bechir_work/eclipse_cti/eclipse/workspace/peersSoftphone/bin/net/sourceforge/peers/gui/red.png

    whats wrong?
    Thank u,

  • yohannmartineau

    yohannmartineau - 2011-03-09

    can you ping the asterisk ip address on vmware image from the host where peers is running?

    for configuration, you should use sip:;lr instead of sip: in outboundProxy.

    can you send transport.log from logs/ directory?

    Thank you

  • peers2011

    peers2011 - 2011-03-09

    Thank u for the reply,
    First there is no problem with asterisk address because i use x-Lite an it work fine.
    Second, i use sip: in outboundProxy and here the transport.log:

    2011-03-09 14:49:33,734 SENT to [Thread-2]
    REGISTER sip:121 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKib1RZihco
    Route: <sip:>
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: <sip:121@121>
    From: <sip:121@121>;tag=B3KtL4bk
    Call-ID: rU3wXiMq-1299678573515@YEBNI-003
    CSeq: 1 REGISTER
    Contact: <sip:121@;transport=UDP>
    2011-03-09 14:49:34,234 SENT to [Transaction timer]
    REGISTER sip:121 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKib1RZihco
    Route: <sip:>
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: <sip:121@121>
    From: <sip:121@121>;tag=B3KtL4bk
    Call-ID: rU3wXiMq-1299678573515@YEBNI-003
    CSeq: 1 REGISTER
    Contact: <sip:121@;transport=UDP>
    2011-03-09 14:49:35,234 SENT to [Transaction timer]
    REGISTER sip:121 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKib1RZihco
    Route: <sip:>
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: <sip:121@121>
    From: <sip:121@121>;tag=B3KtL4bk
    Call-ID: rU3wXiMq-1299678573515@YEBNI-003
    CSeq: 1 REGISTER
    Contact: <sip:121@;transport=UDP>
    2011-03-09 14:49:37,234 SENT to [Transaction timer]
    REGISTER sip:121 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKib1RZihco
    Route: <sip:>
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: <sip:121@121>
    From: <sip:121@121>;tag=B3KtL4bk
    Call-ID: rU3wXiMq-1299678573515@YEBNI-003
    CSeq: 1 REGISTER
    Contact: <sip:121@;transport=UDP>
    2011-03-09 14:49:41,234 SENT to [Transaction timer]
    REGISTER sip:121 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKib1RZihco
    Route: <sip:>
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: <sip:121@121>
    From: <sip:121@121>;tag=B3KtL4bk
    Call-ID: rU3wXiMq-1299678573515@YEBNI-003
    CSeq: 1 REGISTER
    Contact: <sip:121@;transport=UDP>
    2011-03-09 14:49:45,234 SENT to [Transaction timer]
    REGISTER sip:121 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKib1RZihco
    Route: <sip:>
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: <sip:121@121>
    From: <sip:121@121>;tag=B3KtL4bk
    Call-ID: rU3wXiMq-1299678573515@YEBNI-003
    CSeq: 1 REGISTER
    Contact: <sip:121@;transport=UDP>
    2011-03-09 14:49:49,234 SENT to [Transaction timer]
    REGISTER sip:121 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKib1RZihco
    Route: <sip:>
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: <sip:121@121>
    From: <sip:121@121>;tag=B3KtL4bk
    Call-ID: rU3wXiMq-1299678573515@YEBNI-003
    CSeq: 1 REGISTER
    Contact: <sip:121@;transport=UDP>
    2011-03-09 14:49:53,234 SENT to [Transaction timer]
    REGISTER sip:121 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKib1RZihco
    Route: <sip:>
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: <sip:121@121>
    From: <sip:121@121>;tag=B3KtL4bk
    Call-ID: rU3wXiMq-1299678573515@YEBNI-003
    CSeq: 1 REGISTER
    Contact: <sip:121@;transport=UDP>
    2011-03-09 14:49:57,234 SENT to [Transaction timer]
    REGISTER sip:121 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKib1RZihco
    Route: <sip:>
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: <sip:121@121>
    From: <sip:121@121>;tag=B3KtL4bk
    Call-ID: rU3wXiMq-1299678573515@YEBNI-003
    CSeq: 1 REGISTER
    Contact: <sip:121@;transport=UDP>
    2011-03-09 14:50:01,234 SENT to [Transaction timer]
    REGISTER sip:121 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKib1RZihco
    Route: <sip:>
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: <sip:121@121>
    From: <sip:121@121>;tag=B3KtL4bk
    Call-ID: rU3wXiMq-1299678573515@YEBNI-003
    CSeq: 1 REGISTER
    Contact: <sip:121@;transport=UDP>
    2011-03-09 14:50:05,234 SENT to [Transaction timer]
    REGISTER sip:121 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKib1RZihco
    Route: <sip:>
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: <sip:121@121>
    From: <sip:121@121>;tag=B3KtL4bk
    Call-ID: rU3wXiMq-1299678573515@YEBNI-003
    CSeq: 1 REGISTER
    Contact: <sip:121@;transport=UDP>
  • peers2011

    peers2011 - 2011-03-09

    Sorry, i tested sip:;lr instead of sip: in outboundProxy but the registration is failed also.

  • yohannmartineau

    yohannmartineau - 2011-03-09

    ok, thanks. Have you ever used wireshark? Could you perform a network capture of a successful registration with x-lite and another capture for a registration failure with peers?
    This would help me compare differences between a successful case and a failing one. The strange thing is that asterisk is not answering at all, as if it was not able to receive sip messages from peers.

  • peers2011

    peers2011 - 2011-03-11

    i try to use wireshark for the first time and i saved two captures; one for a successful registration with x-lite and the other for a registration failure with peers but i dont know how can i send them?

  • yohannmartineau

    yohannmartineau - 2011-03-11

    yeah that's right, I should've talk about that. I've been looking for a way to attach files to forum posts on sourceforge, but didn't succeed. Can you send it by mail? yohann.martineau at


      JOSE RIVERO - 2018-09-16

      Hello everyone, I have the same error, could you tell me how they solved it?


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