
Pedestal / News: Recent posts

Pedestal CVS updated

I have committed the latest version of Pedestal to CVS. I'm keeping the repository up-to-date, starting now.

Posted by Joshua Juran 2001-03-14

Can you build Pedestal?

The DevGear and Base packages have been posted to -- please download them and see if you can build Pedestal.

Posted by Joshua Juran 2000-12-07

Pedestal source in CVS

The source code for Pedestal is now in CVS. You'll probably want to use a CVS client that understands AppleSingle, such as MacCVS Pro.

Posted by Joshua Juran 2000-11-02

Pedestal source available for anonymous FTP

In addition to the Pedestal file module, all the source required to build Pedestal (as well as some demo apps) can be downloaded from

Posted by Joshua Juran 2000-04-27