
Why is it that its GUI is shown for a short moment and then closed and then shown again after some time?

  • Martin

    Martin - 2018-04-16

    I suppose, I have forgotton it: when one invokes Peace (or switches a profile in the GUI) why is it that its GUI is shown for a short moment and then closed and then shown again after some time?

    I don't, it somehow is extremely annoying / inconvenient, isn't there another way?


    Last edit: Martin 2018-04-16
  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2018-04-16

    When the GUI is shown, a switch to another profile refreshes the GUI because is so dynamic. There are 2 reasons why this refresh is needed. The internal variables (and there are quite a lot of them) are read from disk and the controls (sliders, buttons, input fields, etc.) are filled with these variables. Then the controls are resized and placed at their correct positionaccording to the number of sliders of the profile (7 to 31) and the user settings (for instance sliders height).

    When the GUI isn't shown, a switch to another profile will read the variables but postpones the GUI refresh until it's opened from tray. So clicking on the tray icon will show the previous profile and refreshes to the newly chosen one. I could look into the showing of the previous profile (which isn't needed of course).

    So is there another way? Yes, but is so much more difficult: all controls have to be repositioned and resized on a resized window, and then refilled and/or cleared. And for sliders: they also have to be added or removed according the profile. But I'll take a look at it as you've brought up the question of GUI refreshing.

  • Martin

    Martin - 2018-04-16

    OK, I understand, so there only is a difficult way to show the GUI once when opening it. I guess, with a fast computer / one being fast enough it does not bother that much.

    Well, actually I do not know, such a behaviour is very unusual, I guess, you want to click an item, but the GUI is already gone again and especially a new user might not understand it (especially when the disappearing lasts for some or many seconds, as it is with me) , but I do not know if it is worth that much work. Testing profiles / settings / effectcs can get absolutely annoying with those heistations all the time, of course it would be good, at least for people with a slow (trashy Acer) computer. But if you had to re-prommate a lot (from scratch) it will be too much work.

    Many thanks anyway.


    Last edit: Martin 2018-04-17
  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2018-04-18

    I do understand when a computer is very slow that profile switching can be a nuisance. Even if I manage to keep the main window open (and only refill and rearrange the controls) it still will be slow on your computer (because Peace is such a large programm). Only a switch to a different programming language may be helpful speedwise.

    I've changed/rearranged some things in Peace. When it's hidden in tray and you've switched to another profile(s), clicking on the tray icon will only show the current selected profile and not the previous and then the selected. I don't know if this speed up things but it's (as you're implying) better. Perhaps you can test it if it's working all right

    Here it is:

    Also included in this version:

    1. a beep for profile switching by key. See Debugging and Testing tab on the Settings window.
    2. a "Check on startup and/or once a day"-dropdown box on the General tab for checking for an update each day.
  • Martin

    Martin - 2018-04-18

    Yes, I understand, hard to speed up Peace.

    That sounds good, the GUI shown only once, yes, I will try it.

    My computer is very slow, but I would thing it is not that slow to handle Peace properly actually:

    When I start the exe this is shown (neve had that before):

    And the exe file is removed / quarantined by Win. So I have to switch off the trash Win Defender before installing.

    The beep and the new update option, great, many thanks, will try it.

  • Martin

    Martin - 2018-04-18

    Yes, the beep works great, can one turn it lower / adapt the volume? Peace does not appear here:

    And the new update option is activated now.

    Yes, it give's a better handling that the GUI does not disappear after invoking, I would say. The hesitation is really big at the moment here. May be it would be good to let one Peace window stay as long as the next window appears, e.g the "Settings" window is closed (after pressing "Cancel" or such), then nothing of Peace is shown (or may be a message would be good, something like "Waiting", "Working" or such shown until the nex window comes) and then the main GUI opens after some seconds. For some / new users it might be strange when nothing is shown, they do not know what happens at the moment with Peace / what it does.


    Last edit: Martin 2018-04-18
  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2018-04-18

    The volume if the beep is the same as the main volume. Maybe I can use a mp3 file as beep. Then I can alter the volume, I think, and put a volume field in the settings.

    I have to investigate if it's possible to put Peace on the volume mixer as shown in your image.

    I've removed the refresh message thinking the switch of profiles was fast enough but that is obviously not right so I've put it back. Now after clicking a profile in tray or after hitting a hotkey, the message window "Refreshing interface to show configuration" appears again (which can be switched off in settings).

    Btw. I've managed to get some things out again so maybe it's little faster when switching profiles by hotkey or tray.

  • Martin

    Martin - 2018-04-18

    Yes, mp3, wav or such, would be good.

    [QUOTE]I have to investigate if it's possible to put Peace on the volume mixer as shown in your image.[/QUOTE]
    If the volume is justable in Peace it might not be necessary. I just was looking for a way to decrease the volume.

    That is good, the message, cannot remember to have seen one ever.

    [QUOTE]Now after clicking a profile in tray or after hitting a hotkey, the message window "Refreshing interface to show configuration" appears again (which can be switched off in settings).[/QUOTE]
    But not on this version yet, there does not appear such a message.

    I don't know, this version might be slower than the one before. But that is hard to mesure because that Win trash sometimes is slow and sometimes even slower.

    But why at all does Peace process anything when one clicks "Cancel" (e.g. in "Settings"), so there are no new settings to process I would think. The state remains as it was before one opens the main GUI.

    It is not only that Peace needs some time to show the GUI and such, but also - may be the bigger "issue" - it slows down the complete computer extremely until the next window / GUI is shown. But I assume this happens only to my computers, no one else seems to have that behaviour.

  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2018-04-20

    The refresh message is only shown if it's set on the General tab (last checkbox on the right).

    For showing the settings window the main window is destroyed. It's created again according to the (changed) settings (even if Cancel is clicked). In hindsight if I knew this Peace project would be this large I probably would have done things differently. When I think of a Peace version 2 I probably lose the sliders alltogether. In this imaginary new version a user simple changes the filter graph (as now already is possible) and getting directly feedback on the changes. Instead of adding/removing a slider just another point is added/removed on/off the graph. The graph will be resized when the window is resized. And maybe I'm not making this in AutoIt but C#.

    On my computer the building of the main gui is fast. Not much processing power is used. It's such a weird thing that your computer is doing Peace so extremely slow. It must be such an annoyance. I've tested Peace on 2 Windows 10 computers, a Window 10 tablet and my Windows 7 laptop. It runs nicely. I wish one of them did what you're experiencing. Maybe I can fix it then (or maybe not but I could give it a try).

  • Martin

    Martin - 2018-04-20

    [QUOTE]The refresh message is only shown if it's set on the General tab (last checkbox on the right).[/QUOTE]

    So this one:

    But the message does not appear with me.

    Yes, I can imagine that; there is a music player NEMP, not bad (of course Aimp or foobar is much better, one of the best or the best ones) the programmer said something like this, when he started developing the player, he didn't think of music collections bigger than 700.000 tracks or so. So at the end it turned out I cannot not use it because of that, unbelieable, I never would have imagined such.

    Yes, very annoying the sluggishness here. But I guess, I am pretty sure, it is not caused by Peace actually, there must be anything else, some program, what else? But I have any idea which one. And to test that (e.g. stop using each program and start using the first one and go on one by one is very arduous. And may be that program does slow down the computer not all the time, only under speciall circumstances or so.

  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2018-04-20

    Yes, that's the one.
    The refresh message should appear when you open the GUI from tray again. It looks like the attached image. If it's not shown, there's again something wrong. I wonder what happens performance-wise when you uncheck the checkbox.

    Yes, when I think of an app/program I try to implement it by thinking big. But Peace is one of the apps that I didn't think it would be this big. I began using AutoIt because it's so convenient for small apps but now I probably would haven chosen a different language like c# or visual basic.

    Yes, it's so difficult to try all programs one by one. You did try some older versions of Peace? Of course the older, the less features and thus faster but maybe a certain old one is very fast and the next version suddenly much slower.

    You can be right that sometimes a program can slow things down. It happens to my computer also when my virus scanner is updating or when windows is doing a scheduled thing, both freezes up my computer up. But this doesn't happen often except in the moment when I open my laptop and it awakes.

  • Martin

    Martin - 2018-04-23

    Now I see, I thought that message is shown always, everywhere when going to another window, GUI to Settings / to Effects etc. and back. Why is it shown only when the GUI starts? No, no, sorry, it is shown when open the GUI by shortcut / system tray icon.

    [QUOTE]I wonder what happens performance-wise when you uncheck the checkbox. [/QUOTE]
    When I now open the GUI from tray it or by a shortcut it is shown within a fcraction of a second so there does not appear the refresh message anymore

    When one clicks "Done" Peace is closed, I didn't remember it, thought it would close to tray.

    [QUOTE]Yes, when I think of an app/program I try to implement it by thinking big. [/QUOTE]
    So you have other develped other programs as well.

    Yes, it is a pity that there is no program that could import / export / convert the programming language from AutoIt to C# or so.

    [QUOTE]You did try some older versions of Peace?[/QUOTE]
    Yes, a few month ago or so, but not the very old ones. Without difference between the times, if I remember it right.

    There are some programs which are very slow when they do special processes (e.g. FreeCommander when it starts or refreshes the toolbar after editing it or Scrivener when using its search, sometimes the search works, sometimes it does not, then the program, the GUI fades out - no response is shown - and I have to close it, and I would have to restart the computer to make it work again, sometimes it works again without restarting, any idea why), may be they have anything in common that is impaired by somewhat. I had suspected PhraseExpress, it is running all the time, but I cannot verify it.

  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2018-04-24

    [QUOTE]When I now open the GUI from tray it or by a shortcut it is shown within a fcraction of a second so there does not appear the refresh message anymore[/QUOTE]
    Does the GUI show up suddenly very fast now???

    [QUOTE]When one clicks "Done" Peace is closed, I didn't remember it, thought it would close to tray.[/QUOTE]
    I'm not sure what you're saying here. "Done" means Peace is terminated and not closed to tray.

    [QUOTE]So you have other develped other programs as well.[/QUOTE]
    When I was working in the past, I used to create large multi-user information systems. In that sense Peace is a small program :)

    Your computer or apps are behaving oddly. Is the harddisk very busy when those things you're talking about or when Peace is refreshing. Do I remember correctly that you have a SSD? In that case it shouldn't be a problem except if you have programs installed on another harddisk.
    Perhaps a temporary uninstall of PhraseExpress can be useful?

  • Martin

    Martin - 2018-04-27

    [QUOTE] Does the GUI show up suddenly very fast now???[/QUOTE]
    Ah, sorry, no, it does not (anymore). Suddenly, for some time, it showed up immediately, any idea why, but now, at the moment it is like it always was.

    OK, extremely big programs and Peace very small.

    [QUOTE] I'm not sure what you're saying here. "Done" means Peace is terminated and not closed to tray.[/QUOTE]
    Hmmm, OK, but why is the button called "Done", how could one know what that means? So, why not "Exit", "Close" or such?

    [QUOTE]Your computer or apps are behaving oddly. Is the harddisk very busy when those things you're talking about or when Peace is refreshing. Do I remember correctly that you have a SSD? In that case it shouldn't be a problem except if you have programs installed on another harddisk.
    Perhaps a temporary uninstall of PhraseExpress can be useful?[/QUOTE]
    Yes, may be it's just me behaving oddly, I do not have any idea. I assume, ometimes the drive is busy sometimes it is not, I could not find any principles. Yes, a SSD. Peace runs on the SSD. PhraseExpress is not installed, I use the portable version.

    • Peter Verbeek

      Peter Verbeek - 2018-05-27

      The new version has now a tooltip to explain what the "Done" button does. It says "Close Peace, your equalization stays active". Perhaps we can improve on this in some future version.

  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2018-04-28

    So sometimes Peace runs normal as it should but most of the time it runs terribly slow. That says something significant but what? Btw. what brand of virus scanner do you use? (Or did we discuss this already?)

    The standard "Close" or "Exit" term suggests that after closing Peace the equalization of the profile is stopped too. In other words, an user may thing that Peace has to be open/active but in reality this is not needed. To distinguish this fact I've chosen "Done" as term. Perhaps a better verb is possible.

    I guess, closing this portable version of PhraseExpress doesn't make Peace run any faster.

  • Martin

    Martin - 2018-04-28

    [QUOTE]So sometimes Peace runs normal as it should but most of the time it runs terribly slow. [/QUOTE]
    Yes, it is very seldom, mostly or always directly after starting / rebooting the OS, I guess.

    [QUOTE]Btw. what brand of virus scanner do you use? (Or did we discuss this already?)[/QUOTE]
    I guess, we did, but I cannot remember, I use the Win firewall and virus scanner, Defender.

    [QUOTE]The standard "Close" or "Exit" term suggests that after closing Peace the equalization of the profile is stopped too. In other words, an user may thing that Peace has to be open/active but in reality this is not needed. [/QUOTE]
    Yes, that is plausible, but I would assume a user would not know that "Done" means that the equalization goes on. May be something like "Exit", "Close" and a mouse hover message over Done ("Sound / equalizationwill be kept / be / stay effective" "after closing Peace") or the message on that button as there is enougt space or so.

    [QUOTE]I guess, closing this portable version of PhraseExpress doesn't make Peace run any faster.[/QUOTE]
    Yes, that is right, that would great (and easy).

  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2018-05-02

    [QUOTE]Yes, it is very seldom, mostly or always directly after starting / rebooting the OS, I guess.[/QUOTE]
    If after a reboot Peace runs normal then definely some program interferes (and perhaps vice versa).

    Using the Windows Firewall and Defender shouldn't be a problem. So that's all right.

    Good suggestions on the Done button. Such a tooltip that you're suggesting can help a lot. I'll see what I can do.

    Sorry, I think we had another misunderstanding lol. I meant to ask, after closing PhraseExpress does Peace run any faster?

  • Martin

    Martin - 2018-05-02

    [QUOTE] If after a reboot Peace runs normal then definely some program interferes (and perhaps vice versa).[/QUOTE]
    It might be - I could imagine - some Win process which gets active somewhen as well, this trashy anti malware process shown in the task manager very often runs with 30, 50 % of CPU, may be there is a connection.

    [QUOTE]Sorry, I think we had another misunderstanding lol. I meant to ask, after closing PhraseExpress does Peace run any faster?[/QUOTE]
    No, no, it does not. But I mean to had understood that, so there should not have been a misunderstanding.

  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2018-05-02

    [QUOTE]this trashy anti malware process shown in the task manager very often runs with 30, 50 % of CPU, may be there is a connection.[/QUOTE]
    You could be on to something but how to proceed ...

    [QUOTE]No, no, it does not. But I mean to had understood that, so there should not have been a misunderstanding.[/QUOTE]
    Sorry my bad. I understand now :)

  • Martin

    Martin - 2018-05-02

    Yes, I do not have any idea how to precced, it would be a big effort at least, I guess.

    No, no, no reason to say sorry.

  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2018-05-03

    It sure will be. Thanks for this conversation.


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