
Programmable Distributed Processing Env / News: Recent posts

Future Plans

Ok, its been a long time since I've updated this...I've been kind of busy with getting a new job and moving and such, and so haven't spent much time programming lately. I also recently got an XBox so that doesn't help things... :) Anyway, I've gotten a new, much better idea for this project. It was cool coming up with my own language and everything, but in order for this project to actually be useful I'm thinking about tying Python into it. So then the programming language would be Python instead (or perhaps in addition) to PASM. I'll post again when I make some progress on that.

Posted by Adam Van Ornum 2003-04-01

PDPE v0.2 released!

The latest version of PDPE is released into the wild! This release is the complete source code (plus some documentation) with group support all in one big package. I'm currently working on the independant packages so those should be ready in a day or two. So download the source and have fun!

Posted by Adam Van Ornum 2002-11-11

Groups Coded

A quick update, the group code has been completed. However, it has not been tested yet because I'm tired and going to go to bed. But all that remains is testing and debugging...and there shouldn't be too much of that because there isn't a lot of new code.

So, I should soon release a new package updated with the ability to use groups...and at the same time I'll repackage the code and create some makefiles for *nix and all of those sorts of things that I've been putting off for a while. I will also release updated documentation as a part of the file releases. Check back in the next couple of days and I should have that all ready to go!

Posted by Adam Van Ornum 2002-11-09


Well, as I've been considering writing the group code I realized that I have a major problem. Actually I suppose that I realized it earlier but kind of ignored it until I couldn't any longer. Here's the problem: when deploying a program that processes over a range of values there currently is no way for the group to know what to break up and distribute to the processing nodes. So, currently I am working on figuring out a way around this problem.... read more

Posted by Adam Van Ornum 2002-11-01

Brief update

I've spent some time this weekend working on the project, not a lot honestly but I've comepleted some good stuff. I haven't released the code because its too minor an update for now.

The code I have is all primed for groups to be added. I added the necessary top-level and mid-level functions to create and use groups, but I must still fill in the ProcessorGroup class.

That will probably take a fair amount of time, but after that's complete then we should have the ability to use groups!... read more

Posted by Adam Van Ornum 2002-10-21


I have just posted the most recent files. Check the changelog, its just a couple of fairly little changes that most people probably wouldn't think worthy of an update. But they are fairly useful changes and the next thing is simply to add the group functionality now. The next file update should appear then.

I've also rearranged the source files and will hopefully be adding some bash scripts to make compiling for *nix easier. Expect this in the next file update.... read more

Posted by Adam Van Ornum 2002-10-18

Ok, I lied

Well, I got the updated version working tonight, with the same basic functionality of the first version. However, it should be a fairly simple matter now to add processing groups. I will make another release when I add that functionality...look for it in about another month. :) Also, I still have the whole thing bundled as one deal...when I finish the group work then maybe I'll actually separate the parts into separate entities.

Posted by Adam Van Ornum 2002-10-11

Long time with no updates...

Sorry people, I haven't been able to make an update recently. I'm nearing the end of a relatively major rewrite of the ManagementServer which consists of completely reworking the code controlling the client "processors". It should be done actually compiles now! :) However, there remain bugs that need investigation... Check back in a couple of days. Also, when I release the update I will create separate releases for the processing node and the management server.

Posted by Adam Van Ornum 2002-10-11

First File Release

I've now released all of the files that I have for the project. They have all been included in one release package, in the future however I believe that I will have separate packages for the processing node and the management node files. Anyway, have fun with what's there.

One thing to note, I'm currently in the middle of a fairly large rewrite so that groups can be defined in order to utilize multiple computers as one unit. So there are a couple of files in the package that aren't fleshed out at all yet. The next file release will probably come when I've finished that.

Posted by Adam Van Ornum 2002-09-11

PDPE finally public!

After several months of lonliness on my personal box, PDPE is finally posted in public! Please be nice...this has been very much a learning experience for me and as such is probably rather poorly designed.

Oh yes, files are not currently released but they soon will be.

Posted by Adam Van Ornum 2002-09-11