
PDOS / News: Recent posts

source control

I have moved to the Philippines and I no longer have a windows PC. I do have an old laptop with a bios and I am able to run pdos from a USB stick.

I also have an Android phone running Bochs.

I now only run pdos and freedos.

I no longer have git, or even CVS.

As such, changes are now being stored in a file which can be downloaded from

Posted by Paul Edwards 2022-07-27

PDOS/386 base functionality achieved

The core code required to be useful has now all been written. ie the code exists to run a Win32 GCC toolchain so that PDOS/386 can rebuild itself and its supporting tools, itself. At least, theoretically. What now remains is bugs. There are probably 4 bugs remaining to be found and fixed that will turn that into reality. And they could still be months away from being fixed. In the meantime, a hard disk image suitable to be burned onto USB stick and booted from USB, with what I currently have available, can be found at the new website

Posted by Paul Edwards 2021-06-14

PDPCLIB 1.00 and OZPD0901 released

After 15 years, PDPCLIB has finally reached version 1.00, due to it now being (I believe) C90-compliant, at least on the mainframe environments. Any violation of ISO/IEC 9899:1990 will now be considered a bug. The PC environments are extremely close to being compliant too.

Posted by Paul Edwards 2009-01-30

PDPCLIB 0.86 and OZPD0803 released

Quite by coincidence, PDPCLIB is now at the same version number as PDOS.

Posted by Paul Edwards 2008-03-07

PDOS 0.86 and PDPCLIB 0.84 released

It's been a long time, and a lot of delays, but there is a lot of advances with these new releases. Enjoy. :-)

Posted by Paul Edwards 2007-08-24

PDOS 0.85 available for download

Well it only took me 3 years, but I finally found out how to make file releases, so PDOS 0.85 is now available for download. Previously I had expected people to go to CVS to get the source. I expect to create a new version of PDOS in the next few weeks, which will have all the source integrated into a single zip file instead of being spread over 3 separate zip files. The release is basically waiting on an improved PDPCLIB which is going to go into GCCMVS, a separate project of getting a C compiler (GCC) onto MVS (IBM mainframe).... read more

Posted by Paul Edwards 2006-11-27