
#3 PDOS is nice OS ! But maybe put some software inside the floppy images? Even "beep" doesn't work

v1.0 (example)
Ivan Ivanov

Good day, Paul Edwards! I understand that you've wanted to create a clean image with as max free space available as possible for the end user. But maybe it could be a good idea to create some directory like PROGRAMS with some nice softwares inside? Some nice demos of what PDOS can do. And if someone doesn't need them - could simply delete from the image before adding their own stuff


  • Paul Edwards

    Paul Edwards - 2018-12-17

    Hi Ivan. Thanks for your feedback. The most recent images I published are pdos-stage157. The 16-bit version comes with pdptest.exe, an example program. The 32-bit version also includes the micro-emacs editor and a graphics test. There is no support for sound in the operating system yet though, as you noticed with "beep".

    • Ivan Ivanov

      Ivan Ivanov - 2018-12-21

      Hi Paul, by "beep doesn't work" I meant there is no such command. But I just tested EMACS and it beeped on me when I did something wrong and [Key not bound] message appeared ;) And also when I press any arrow key at Terminal, it beeps at me too. So I guess there's a sound support, even if in a form of Sound Blaster - its enough for beep app to work, and maybe even something like a Virtual Piano which MichalOS has - (although this piano inside PLAYER.APP is written on asm and I'm not sure it could be copied as-is to PDOS, this is a really nice app)


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